mkschreder / orangerpcd

Websocket RPC server for OpenWRT
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Juci RPC Server (OrangeRPCD)

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OrangeRPCD is a lua scriptable and multithreaded JSONRPC application server with websocket support on the frontend. It is fully portable and builds as part of OpenWRT.





OrangeRPCD implements JSON RPC protocol as it is commonly defined. The protocol thus supports four types of messages:

CALL:   {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"method":"...","params":[...]}
RESULT: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":{...}}
ERROR:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"error":"..."}
EVENT:  {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"...","params":[...]}

Any other messages are invalid and should be ignored by the server.

Core RPC Methods

The top level RPC object is used for basic operations such as authentication, listing available objects and calling application methods. Most of these are implemented directly by the server.


Used to get a login challenge for current connection. This challenge should then be combined with sha1 digest of the user password and sent back to login method for authentication.

FORMAT: "method":"challenge","params":[]

RESPONSE: "result":{"token":"auth_token"}


Used to autneticate with the server. On successful login, this method responds with session id for current session.

FORMAT: "method":"login","params":[username,chresponse]

RESULT: "result":{"sid":"sessionid"}


Method for calling an object method. Permissions are automatically enforced by the server. Application method may impose additional permission checks.

Only tables are supported as arguments to a method.

FORMAT: "method":"call","params":[sid,object,method,{...}]


On success, shall return JSON-RPC result object with same id as request and result field set to the value returned by the application script.

On failure, shall return JSON-RPC error object specifying error that occured.


Lists all available objects and their methods. Can only be executed after authenticating with the server. Takes either a path of the object to list, or a wildcard "*" used for listing all available objects.

On success this method returns a table of all objects, their methods and parameters for each method.

FORMAT: "method":"list","params":[sid,path]

RESULT: "result":{"object":{"method":[args..]},...}

Access Control

RevoRPC implements scope based access control. Although additional capability based access control is planned as well. The idea is that you application defines an access list of essential function that it requires access to. For example:

ubus /juci/network clients x 
uci network * rw

FORMAT: scope object method permission

Each application creates a list like that. Users are then granted access to a list of applications and a list of capabilities. Access lists contain essential permissions for proper functioning of application - just like permissions on android. However, the capability lists are dynamic and a user can for example have access to "system setpassword" but not have capability "can-set-password-other-user" which would result in user only being able to change his own password.


This software is distributed under GPLv3 license (see COPYING file) together with additional permissions specified in the LICENSE file as authorized by copyright holders below:

Copyright (c) 2016 Martin K. Schröder

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.