An APP for identify flowers in Hong Kong with Deep Learning technology.
Keras or pyTorch installed.
It is very easy to set up a docker container for pyTorch and Keras using the following command.
$sudo docker pull floydhub/pytorch:0.2.0-gpu-py3.11
(Note: remove -gpu
if you want CPU only. Change to py2.11
if using python2.x)
$sudo nvidia-docker run -ti -v YOURDIRECTORY:/workspace/ -p 8889:8888 -p 8097:8097 floydhub/pytorch:0.2.0-gpu-py3.11
For CPU use normal docker. You can also add /bin/bash
at the end of the command to use bash instead.
Go to your localhost:8889
to access pyTorch Jupyter notebook!
$sudo docker pull floydhub/tensorflow:1.3.0-gpu-py3_aws.12
(settings likewise as above.)
$sudo nvidia-docker run -ti -v YOURDIRECTORY:/workspace/ -p 8888:8888 -p 6006:6006 floydhub/tensorflow:1.4.0-gpu-py3_aws.14
Go to your localhost:8888
to access Keras and Tensorflow Jupyter notebook!
Fine-tuning the pre-trained ResNet50 with Oxford 102 flowers dataset
to download oxford102 dataset
to start fine-tuning
Go to
and change data_dir to your own dataset ABSOLUTE path.
Choose which library, model, optimizer and loss to run in
by changing self.configs
to start training.
To add your model, simply do the following:
, note that it must take two arguments (args, num_classes)
to your model in
First at all, install Google Cloud SDK
$gcloud init # set up gcloud compute on your computer,
$gcloud auth application-default login # or if you already initialized before
Compile your trained model and upload to Google Cloud Storage
$export MODEL_BUCKET=gs://
$python ./deploy \
--trained_model=model_best_weights \
Create model on ml-engine
$export MODEL_BINARIES=gs://
$export MODEL_NAME=baseline
$gcloud ml-engine models create $MODEL_NAME --regions=asia-east1 # if you are first time to create model,
$gcloud ml-engine versions create v1 --model $MODEL_NAME --origin $MODEL_BINARIES --runtime-version 1.3 # otherwise just create a new version
Fine-tuning Deep Convolutional Networks for Plant Recognition