ml-struct-bio / drgnai

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:dragon::robot: DRGN-AI: Ab initio cryo-EM reconstruction

DRGN-AI is a neural network-based algorithm for ab initio heterogeneous cryo-EM reconstruction. The method leverages the expressive representation capacity of neural models and implements a two-stage joint inference procedure of poses and heterogeneous conformational states to enable single-shot reconstruction of noisy, large cryo-EM datasets.


The latest detailed documentation for DRGN-AI is available on gitbook, including an overview and walkthrough of DRGN-AI installation, training and analysis. A brief quick start is provided below.

New in Version 1.0.0

New in Version 0.2.2-beta


We recommend installing DRGN-AI in a clean conda environment — first clone the latest stable version available in the git repository, and then use pip to install the package from the source code:

(base) $ conda create --name drgnai python=3.9
(base) $ conda activate drgnai
(drgnai) $ git clone
(drgnai) $ cd drgnai/
(drgnai) $ pip install . 

To confirm that the package was installed successfully, use drgnai test:

(drgnai) $ drgnai test
Installation was successful!

You may also choose to define an environment variable $DRGNAI_DATASETS in your bash environment, which will allow you to point to a file listing locations of input files and dataset labels to use as shortcuts. For more information, see our detailed user guide.


This package installs the drgnai command line tool for running experiments, which contains three key subcommands:

As cryo-EM reconstruction experiments are usually computationally intensive, train especially is most commonly used within a script submitted to a job scheduling system on a high-performance compute cluster.


First, use the drgnai setup tool to create an output directory and a configuration file for DRGN-AI.

drgnai setup your_outdir --particles /my_data/particles.mrcs --ctf /my_data/ctf.pkl \
                     --capture-setup spa --conf-estimation autodecoder \
                     --pose-estimation abinit --reconstruction-type het                               

This command will create an output directory called your_outdir and a configuration file your_outdir/configs.yaml:

particles: /my_data/particles.mrcs
ctf: /my_data/ctf.pkl
  capture_setup: spa
  conf_estimation: autodecoder
  pose_estimation: abinit
  reconstruction_type: het

Reconstruction and analysis

After setup is complete, run the experiment using drgnai train your_outdir.

drgnai train your_outdir

DRGN-AI will save the outputs of training under your_outdir/out/. By default, at the end of training, DRGN-AI will analyze the results from the last epoch.

You can also run analyses on a particular training epoch instead of the last epoch. Outputs of each analysis will be stored under your_outdir/out/analysis_<epoch>/.

drgnai analyze your_outdir --epoch 25

Monitoring running experiments

The progress of model training can be tracked using the your_outdir/out/training.log file.

The training step can also be monitored while it is running using Tensorboard, which is installed as part of DRGN-AI, by following these steps:

  1. Run the command tensorboard --logdir out-dir/out --port 6565 --bind_all remotely, where out-dir is the experiment output directory and 6565 is an arbitrary port number.
  2. Run the command ssh -NfL 6565:<server-name>:6565 <user-name>@<server-address> locally, using the same port number above, and replacing the server info with your own.
  3. Navigate to localhost:6565 in your local browser to access the tensorboard interface.

Advanced Configuration

The behavior of the algorithm can be modified by passing different values to drgnai setup at the beginning of the experiment. However, only the most important parameters are available through this interface:

Note that each argument can be specified using a non-ambiguous prefix as a shortcut 😃, e.g.

drgnai setup out-dir --dataset 50S_128 --cap spa --conf autodecoder \
                     --pose-estim abinit --reconstr het

To change the other configuration parameters, the configs.yaml file must be edited directly before the experiment is run. For a full overview of how to configure the parameters used in the DRGN-AI model, see the docs.


  title    = "Revealing biomolecular structure and motion with neural ab initio
              {cryo-EM} reconstruction",
  author   = "Levy, Axel and Grzadkowski, Michal and Poitevin, Frederic and
              Vallese, Francesca and Clarke, Oliver B and Wetzstein, Gordon and
              Zhong, Ellen D",
  journal  = "bioRxiv",
  pages    = "2024.05.30.596729",
  month    =  jun,
  year     =  2024,
  language = "en"

Previous versions

Below are major past releases of cryoDRGN with the features introduced in each:

Version 1.0.1

Version 0.2.0-beta


For any feedback, questions, or bugs, please file a Github issue or reach out to the authors.