mlabs-haskell / cardano.nix

Nix ❤️ Cardano
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Collection of Cardano related Nix packages and NixOS modules, with a special focus on:

  cardano = {
    enable = true;
    network = "preview";

This will configure cardano-node and ogmios on the preview network.

Read the Documentation


Install nix and enable flakes, eg. with Determinate nix installer.

Use the project's binary cache to skip builds. Edit /etc/nix/nix.conf (or related settings in NixOS config) and merge the new values separated by spaces into the options:

substituters = ...
trusted-public-keys = ... cardano-nix:BQ7QKgoQQAuL3Kh6pfIJ8oxrihUbUSxf6tN9SxyW608=

Don't edit ~/.config/nix/nix.conf in your home directory. Don't add users to trusted-users because it is insecure.

Development Shell

Development is supported on linux systems. Virtual machines are run with qemu so kvm is recommended.

cardano.nix provides a devshell that includes various tools to build, test, run and update the project:

❯ nix develop
❄️ Welcome to the cardano.nix devshell ❄️


  docs-build              - build documentation
  docs-serve              - serve documentation web page

[general commands]

  menu                    - prints this menu


  build-all               - build all packages and checks with `devour-flake`
  check                   - run `nix flake check`
  run-vm-test             - list and run virtual machine integration tests


  fmt                     - format the source tree
  update-pre-commit-hooks - update git pre-commit hooks

A .envrc is also provided, using [direnv]() and nix-direnv is suggested.

Running Integration Tests

From the devshell you can run integration tests with run-vm-test, for example the following will start cardano-node and ogmios on the preview testnet and will check for synchronization progress.

run-vm-test ogmios

License information

cardano.nix released under terms of Apache-2.0 license.