mlava / todoist-task-management

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This extension allows you to manage your Todoist tasks from within your Roam Research graph.



This version allows:

  1. import tasks by automatically sensing the date of a DNP and only bringing relevant tasks, using the Command Palette command 'Import tasks from Todoist'.
  2. you can also import using the SmartBlock command <%IMPORTTODOIST%>. Or create a button to trigger the SmartBlock and have this in your daily template.
  3. create tasks within Roam Research and push them to Todoist using a Command Palette command 'Create task in Todoist'
  4. complete tasks in Roam by checking the TODO checkbox, and automatically complete the same task in Todoist
  5. link a RR project page to a project in Todoist and import, create and complete tasks for that project within Roam. Use the Command Palette command 'Link to Todoist project via clipboard'
  6. reschedule tasks by using the Command Palette command Reschedule task(s) in Todoist. A datepicker popover will appear and if you select a new date the task will be rescheduled in Todoist and moved to the correct page in your Roan Research graph.
  7. Option to configure whether to Strikethrough a completed task or not to
  8. Reschedule multiple tasks as a batch. Use Roam's block multiselect mode (Ctrl-m) to choose which tasks to reschedule, then use the command palette or right-click one of the task's bullets and select Plugins > Reschedule task(s) in Todoist. This will launch a datepicker dialogue and you can choose which date to send them to.

Automatic sync of daily tasks in both directions!

This video shows most of this in action:


  1. implement keyboard shortcuts for each Command Palette command