Implementation of the projected gradient methods for NMF. Wikipedia
const NMF = require('../src');
const {Matrix} = require("ml-matrix");
let w = new Matrix([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]);
let h = new Matrix([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]);
let winit = new Matrix([[1,1,3],[4,5,6]]);
let hinit = new Matrix([[1,1],[3,4],[5,6]]);
let v = w.mmul(h);
const options = {
Winit: winit,
Hinit: hinit,
tol: 0.001,
maxIter: 10
let result = NMF.nmf(v, options);
let w0 = result.W;
let h0 = result.H;
console.log('W computed :', w0);
console.log('H computed :', h0);
console.log('W*H :', w0.mmul(h0));
console.log('expected :', v);