mlp6 / ADPL

Anaerobic Digestion and Pasteurization Latrine (ADPL)
5 stars 5 forks source link
global-health javascript nodejs particle-electron react sanitation


Anaerobic Digestion and Pasteurization Latrine (ADPL)

Project Overview:

This project is dormant, and the web server has been taken offline.

Particle Electron (MCU)

The active MCU software is in software/ADPL_electron using the v6.2.0 Electron firmware.

Web Server

Live data streaming is available to view at

The web application is responsible for listening to real-time streaming data from different ADPL stations, saving that data to a database, and making those data available for inspection and analysis via a RESTful API and dashboard-like front end. The web server performs several additional functions like integrating with Twilio to allow for text-based alerts and interaction (with many features yet to be implemented).

Backend (NodeJS) Docker Setup

The server can be run using docker-compose with the following steps:

  1. cd software/cloud-dashboard/
  2. DB_DATA=/scratch/adpl/data docker-compose up

Frontend (ReactJS) Configuration

The frontend is manually built, and its assets captured by the Docker backend. After changes are made to the frontend, you need to:

  1. cd react-client/
  2. npm install
  3. npm run build
  4. Repeat the Docker setup above, adding the --build option to docker-compose up --build to rebuild the image.

Data Download

As simple as:
