mludvig / amazon-textract-cloudformation

Automated solution for parsing PDF files using Amazon Textract. Complete solution with CloudFormation template, Step Function State Machine, Lambda functions, etc.
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Textract with Step Function and Cloud Formation

This is a complete setup for automatic text extraction from PDF / JPEG / PNG files using Amazon Textract.


Check out this repository and run the included script.

It will create a new S3 bucket and the use CloudFormation template to build the required resources.

$ ./
[*] Verifying deployment settings...
[x] Stack name: textract-demo
[x] Region: us-west-2
[x] Account ID: 123456789012
[x] Deployment bucket: textract-demo-123456789012-us-west-2

Press [Enter] to continue or Ctrl-C to abort.

When done follow these steps to test that it works:

  1. Upload your test PDF to the /upload folder in the newly created S3 bucket.

  2. Open the Step Function page to follow the progress

  3. When done download the results from the /output folder in the bucket.


Michael Ludvig