mmanciop / spring-music

A sample application for using database services on Cloud Foundry with Spring Framework.
Apache License 2.0
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Spring Music Charm

This repository is a fork of Spring Music, a famous Spring Boot demo application, together with a charmed operator that enables Juju to run the application on top of Kubernetes.

The Spring Music charm operators integrates with other charmed operators, specifically:


These instructions are tailored to an Ubuntu 20.04 or later environment, although snap supports tons of different Linux distributions.

Install MicroK8s

Install MicroK8s with the following add ons: storage, dns, registry:

snap install microk8s
microk8s enable storage dns registry

Install Juju

snap install juju

Install Charmcraft and LXD

snap install charmcraft

The charmcraft pack command relies on LXD to build charms in a safe and reproducible way. Install LXD on your machine as follows:

snap install lxd
lxd init --minimal

Bootstrap a Juju MicroK8s controller

juju bootstrap microk8s development


Building the Spring Music container image

Assuming you are using MicroK8s with the registry add on, build the OCI image of the Spring Music application with:

./gradlew bootBuildImage --imageName=localhost:32000/spring-music:latest
docker build . -f Dockerfile.local -t localhost:32000/spring-music:latest
docker push localhost:32000/spring-music:latest

The localhost:32000 is the location of the registry integrated in MicroK8s. The docker build . -f Dockerfile.local ... command removes from the Docker image built by Gradle a number of overly large image labels that are known to cause issues with containerd runtimes.

Building the Spring Music charm

charmcraft pack

Deploy the Spring Music application

juju add-model spring
juju deploy ./spring-music_ubuntu-20.04-amd64.charm spring-music --resource application-image=localhost:32000/spring-music

Alternatively, the ./build_and_deploy_charm automates the build and deploy (or refresh) of the charm in a model:

./juju_utils/build_and_deploy_charm spring spring-music

Deploy the LMA bundle

Follow the LMA Light on MicroK8s tutorial together with the offers overlay.

Enable the monitoring of Spring Music

juju switch spring
juju consume lma.prometheus-scrape prometheus
juju consume lma.grafana-dashboards grafana
juju consume lma.loki-logging loki
juju add-relation spring-music prometheus
juju add-relation spring-music grafana
juju add-relation spring-music loki

Utility scripts

In the ./juju_utils/ folder there are three utility scripts to streamline some common development tasks:


The ./juju_utils/build_and_deploy_charm bash script automates the creation of the charm (i.e., charmcraft pack) and its deployment or the update of the application; it accepts two additional, optional arguments, the first for the model in which to deploy, and the second the application name:

./juju_utils/build_and_deploy_charm <model> <application>

The default model is spring, and the default application name is spring-music

Important: The ./juju_utils/build_and_deploy_charm bash script does not build the OCI image for the Spring Music application, nor it uploads it to the local MicroK8s registry. Refer to the Building the Spring Music container image for instructions on how to ensure that the OCI image for the Spring Music application is available in the local MicroK8s registry.


The ./juju_utils/juju-unit-address bash script outputs the address and port of the provided Juju unit:

./juju_utils/juju-unit-address <model>.<application>/<unit_id>

For example:

$ ./juju_utils/juju-unit-address lma.prometheus/0


The ./juju_utils/browse-juju-unit bash script opens the address and port of the provided Juju unit in Firefox:

./juju_utils/browse-juju-unit <model>.<application>/<unit_id>

For example:

./juju_utils/browse-juju-unit lma.prometheus/0

would result in Firefox opening something like the address.


Where is the charm code?

To play nice with Maven and Gradle, the charm code is located in directories that different than in "normal" charm repository (e.g., what charmcraft init sets up for you):

Achieving the above required the following adjustments: