mmcghee18 / qualityco

QualityCo MVP.
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QualityCo MVP


This is a server that accepts requests from the frontend and pings the Airtable database for information.

Deployment 🚀

git subtree push --prefix api-proxy heroku master

This app is hosted on Heroku. It's connected to this git repo (a git push will deploy it automatically), but because api-proxy is nested inside qualityco, this command needs to be run (from the base repo) in order to deploy successfully.


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Dev Mode 🎨

npm start runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Deployment 🚀

The frontend app is deployed to Netlify, and will automatically deploy on git push. You can see it here: