mmecina / CCS

The UVIE Space Central Checkout System (CCS) and Test Specification Tool (TST)
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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This file documents the required steps to get the UVIE EGSE software up and running on a freshly installed Linux system (tested on manjaro-xfce-21.3.7 linux5.15).


1) Get CCS repository $> git clone

2) Required packages/devtools

3) Initialise MySQL/MariaDB and set it up

$> sudo mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
$> sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb
$> sudo mariadb-secure-installation  (optional)

To create a MariaDB user, in the CCS base directory execute

$> make db-user USER=<user> PW=<password>

Alternatively, execute the following SQL statements:
mysql> CREATE USER 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'user'@'localhost';

4) Install Python packages. To install the required modules with pip in userspace or a venv, run 'make python-requirements' in the CCS base directory or use 'pip install [--user] -r requirements.txt'. If using a venv, it must have been created using the --system-site-packages option. For more details, see requirements.txt Since Python 3.11, pip --user installs of packages are denied by default to avoid conflicts with system-managed packages - the recommended solution is to use a venv. Alternatively, installing in local userspace is still possible by passing the --break-system-packages flag.


In the CCS base directory,

- first configure the [database] section in egse.cfg!
- then execute:

$> make confignator
$> make databases


Use CCS/Ccs/tools/ to import a set of SCOS2000 MIB files into the MySQL mib-schema set in egse.cfg


./start_ccs: starts the CCS ./start_tst: starts the TST