mmh352 / ou-container-builder

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OU Container Builder

Documentation for the OU Container Builder can be found here:

Validation Status Tests Documentation

Install and Run

To run the OU Container Builder you need to install the following two requirements:

Then, to install the OU Container Builder run

pipx install git+

To upgrade to the latest version, run:

pipx upgrade ou-container-builder

You can then run the OU Container Builder using the following command:



To build the demo container:

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Change into the demo directory
  3. Run


The resulting container listens for connections on port 8888 and it is recommended that you mount the /home/ou-user directory as a volume.


To work on the OU Container Builder you need to install an additional dependency:

Then use

poetry install

to install all Python dependencies in a project-specific virtualenv. Then start a shell that runs commands within that virtualenv:

poetry shell

You can now run


to run your development version of the code.


To automatically check that any committed code follows the Python guidelines, install a git pre-commit hook using the following command:

pre-commit install

Validation checks are automatically run and must be passed before code can be merged into the default branch.