mmore500 / hstrat-surface-concept

Algorithm development for lightweight fixed-length recency-proportional hereditary stratigraphy data structure
MIT License
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Hereditary Stratigraphic Surface Concept

CI GitHub stars DOI

hsurf provides efficient, constant-space instrumentation for heredity stratigraphic phylogenetic inference over distributed digital evolution populations.


python3 -m pip install "git+"


Slide deck & graphics for this project are at Some notes are in the template manuscript skeleton in tex/, which is built via GitHub actions and can be downloaded as an artifact.

See binder for usage examples.


This repository hosts prototype code for algorithm development of a lightweight fixed-length hereditary stratigraphy data structure.

Code here is designed for use in conjunction with the mainline hstrat and downstream packages. Long-term, code in this repository will migrate to the hstrat and downstream packages and this will remain only to ensure records (and reproducibility) of prototype work.


If pecking contributes to a scientific publication, please cite it as

Matthew Andres Moreno. (2024). mmore500/hstrat-surface-concept. Zenodo.

  author = {Matthew Andres Moreno},
  title = {mmore500/hstrat-surface-concept},
  month = mar,
  year = 2024,
  publisher = {Zenodo},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.10779240},
  url = {}

Consider also citing hstrat. And don't forget to leave a star on GitHub!


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the mmore500/cookiecutter-dishtiny-project project template.