mmz-srf / passbolt-helm

Passbolt Kubernetes Helm Charts
Apache License 2.0
18 stars 13 forks source link
chart helm helm-chart kubernetes passbolt password password-manager

Passbolt Kubernetes Helm Charts


This Repository is marked deprecated in favor of the official Passbolt charts.

GitHub license GitHub issues GitHub issues

Quick start

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd passbolt-helm

Update helm dependencies:

helm dep build .

Before deploying this chart, you must define some secrets:

You can generate them with this script:


A values-fingerprint.yaml file will be created containing GPG keys fingerprint.

If you are a PRO user

  • put your subscription key in secrets/pro-license/subscription_key.txt file.
  • Set passbolt.config.license.enabled to true in values.yaml
  • Set a pro image tag in values.yaml

Review values.yaml file, especially the for passbolt domain name then deploy passbolt in your cluster

Always review passbolt configuration options it self. Especially their environment variables

non-HA mode

This mode will deploy the passbolt container and a mysql database (mariadb)

values-fingerprint.yaml is a file automatically created by script and contains your GPG server fingerprint.

helm install passbolt . --values values-fingerprint.yaml

HA mode

If you are interested with HA deployment, take care of the passbolt.config.php.session.redis.service setting. It is the first pod name by default of the xxx-redis-headless service where xxx is your helm release name (passbolt by default in the below helm command).

If your helm release name is pblt, replace passbolt-redis-node-0.passbolt-redis-headless with pblt-redis-node-0.pblt-redis-headless

While the database is not yet initialized, the replicaCount of passbolt-helm deployment must be set to 1. Once the database initialized, you can scale passbolt deployment to more than 1 replica.

If you want to import your passwords from keepass or csv, it is recommended to scale to 1. Database concurrency is not well managed while importing.

HA Mode uses MariaDB Galera cluster and Redis cluster.

You must have at least 3 worker nodes.

If you are ok with the above points, review the values-ha.yaml file and deploy the HA mode with:

helm upgrade --install passbolt . --values values-ha.yaml --values values-fingerprint.yaml


For more parameters you should have a look at ...


Parameter Description Default
replicaCount How many replicas should be deployed 1
image.repository Passbolt image repositorys "passbolt/passbolt"
image.tag Passbolt image tag "latest"
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets []
nameOverride Name override ""
fullnameOverride Full name override ""
service.type Service type ClusterIP
service.port Service port 80
ingress.enabled Enable ingress true Ingress host


Parameter Description Default
passbolt.config.debug Enable/Disable debug output in passbolt image false
passbolt.config.registration Enable/Disable user can register false
passbolt.config.salt Salt. Generate: openssl rand -base64 32 | "your salt"
passbolt.config.gpgServerKeyFingerprint The GPG server key fingerprint. See GPG key generation "your gpg server key fingerprint"
passbolt.config.serverkey The GPG server key. If set the key will not be read from file
passbolt.config.serverkey_private The GPG private server key. If set the private key will not be read from file
passbolt.config.jwtkey The JWT key. If set the key will not be read from file
passbolt.config.jwtcert The JWT certificate. If set the cert will not be read from file
passbolt.config.license.enabled Set true if you own a license key. Add the license key in secrets/pro-license/license false
passbolt.config.license.key The license key. If set the license key will not be read from file. false
passbolt.config.php.max_execution_time PHP Max execution time 300
passbolt.config.php.memory_limit PHP Memory Limit 512M
passbolt.config.php.post_max_size PHP post max size 24M
passbolt.config.php.upload_max_filesize PHP upload max filesize 24M
passbolt.config.php.pm_value PHP-FPM pm_value dynamic PHP-FPM pm.max_children 40 PHP-FPM pm.start_servers 16 PHP-FPM pm.min_spare_servers 8 PHP-FPM pm.max_spare_servers 16 PHP-FPM pm.process_idle_timeout 10s PHP-FPM pm.max_requests 500
passbolt.config.php.session.lifetime Lifetime of your user sessions in seconds 3600
passbolt.config.php.session.redis.enabled Enable this if you want to provide your own redis as a session backend false
passbolt.config.php.session.redis.service The URL of your redis endpoint, only useful if enabled redis
passbolt.config.plugins.exportenabled Enable export plugin true
passbolt.config.plugins.importenabled Enable import plugin true
passbolt.config.plugins.ssoenabled Enable SSO plugin true Enable/Disable sending emails transport false From email address you@localhost From Name Your Sender Name Email server hostname localhost Email server port 25 Email server timeout 30 Username for email server auth username Password for email server auth password
passbolt.config.livenessProbe.failureThreshold failureThreshold for livenessProbe 3
passbolt.config.livenessProbe.successThreshold successThreshold for livenessProbe 1
passbolt.config.livenessProbe.periodSeconds periodSeconds for livenessProbe 10
passbolt.config.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds initialDelaySeconds for livenessProbe 60
passbolt.config.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds timeoutSeconds for livenessProbe 10
passbolt.config.readinessProbe.failureThreshold failureThreshold for readinessProbe 3
passbolt.config.readinessProbe.successThreshold successThreshold for readinessProbe 1
passbolt.config.readinessProbe.periodSeconds periodSeconds for readinessProbe 10
passbolt.config.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds initialDelaySeconds for readinessProbe 60
passbolt.config.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds timeoutSeconds for readinessProbe 10


Parameter Description Default
mariadb.enabled Set to false to use an existing external database true Name of the passbolt database passbolt Name of the passbolt database passbolt
mariadb.db.user Username of the passbolt user passbolt
mariadb.db.password Passwort for the passbold database user passbolt

GPG key generation

  1. Create GPG config file gpg-server-key.conf with the following content

    %echo Generating a basic OpenPGP key
    Key-Type: RSA
    Key-Length: 4096
    Subkey-Type: RSA
    Subkey-Length: 4096
    Name-Real: Joe Tester
    Expire-Date: 0
    %echo done
  2. Create GPG keys

    :warning: do not set a password, since passbolt won't start :warning:

    gpg --gen-key --batch gpg-server-key.conf
  3. List GPG keys

    gpg --list-secret-keys --keyid-format LONG

    You will need this to export it and in your values.yaml to validate the keys.

  4. Export keys

    KEY_ID=<put your key here>
    gpg --armor --export $KEY_ID > serverkey.asc
    gpg --armor --export-secret-keys $KEY_ID > serverkey_private.asc

:warning: Copy the serverkey.asc and serverkey_private.asc files to secrets/gpg.

JWT key generation

  1. Create a private key

    openssl genrsa -out secrets/jwt/jwt.key 4096
  2. Extract the public key

    openssl rsa -in secrets/jwt/jwt.key -outform PEM -pubout -out secrets/jwt/jwt.pem


  1. Create custom values.yaml
  2. Create gpg and jwt keys
  3. Execute:
    helm install \
      -f values.yaml \
      --set-file passbolt.config.serverkey=./secrets/gpg/serverkey.asc \
      --set-file passbolt.config.serverkey_private=./secrets/gpg/serverkey_private.asc \
      --set-file passbolt.config.jwtkey=./secrets/jwt/jwt.key \
      --set-file passbolt.config.jwtcert=./secrets/jwt/jwt.pem \
      passbolt ../passbolt-helm/

Create first passbolt admin user

root@passbolt-passbolt-app:/var/www/passbolt# su -m -c "bin/cake passbolt register_user -u -f Admin -l Istrator -r admin" -s /bin/sh www-data

Mail testing

kubectl run mailpit --image=anatomicjc/mailpit
kubectl expose pod mailpit --port 1025 --name mailpit
kubectl port-forward mailpit 8025