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An InfluxDB 0.9+ Reporter for Metrics.NET
Apache License 2.0
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Available on as Metrics.NET.InfluxDB.


This version has significant (i.e. breaking) changes from the previous version. Most derived metrics (min, max, mean, percentiles, etc.) are no longer being exported. InfluxDB recommended using, instead, continuous queries on the backend to calculate these values.


Nearly identical to the usage shown in the Metrics.NET Wiki, but using WithInflux instead of WithInfluxDb:

Metric.Config.WithReporting(report => 
    report.WithInflux("", 8086, "admin", "admin", "metrics", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))

Additional Configs

Additional configurations are available via Metrics.NET.InfluxDB.ConfigOptions. Most are passed-through to InfluxDB.

One noteworthy configuration affects the behavior of this Reporter: BreakerRate.


This configures a circuit breaker that protects your InfluxDB endpoint. This configuration specifies the number of allowed errors, and a "cool-down" period where no additional requests will be made to the InfluxDB endpoint.

The rate is expressed as: # of events / timeframe where # of events is an integer, and timeframe is a string that can be parsed by TimeSpan.Parse().

So, for example, 2 / 00:00:15 would trip the circuit if two errors occur, and then will wait fifteen seconds before allowing additional requests to InfluxDB.


This is a transformer that accepts a metric name as reported by Metrics.NET and returns the name that will be reported to InfluxDB.

The default is ConfigOptions.IdentityConverter which returns the name as-is.

Also included is ConfigOptions.CompactConverter which replaces runs of non-alpha characters with a period.


[mono-sgen - Metrics.NET] influxdb.success.meter ->


This library will always keep the same license as Metrics.NET (as long as its an open source, permisive license). This port is inspired by and contains some code from Metrics.NET.

This library (Metrics.NET.InfluxDB) is release under Apache 2.0 License (see LICENSE).

Copyright (c) 2016 Michael Nadel