mnbujold / c415-compiler

Fall 2012 CMPUT 415 Compiler Course
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CMPUT 415 Project Checkpoint 2 Nov 9, 2012 Fall 2012

Mike Bujold, Dan Chui, James Osgood

Formerly Paul Vandermeer

PAL Compiler Compiles programs in the PAL language - a subset of Pascal, into ASC assembly language.

Disclaimer This code is for use by the above named individuals. Any use of this code by unauthorized individuals will be viewed as plagiarism as per the U of A Code of Student Behaviour (Section 30.3.2[1]) and will be reported to the appropriate University representatives accordingly.

Known Issues:

Newlines within a string that are not escaped will screw up the line number count.

Calling chr () on 255 and greater will cause undefined behaviour, specific to the implementation of C on the machine (eg little endian or big endian integer representation)

Array accesses and assignments for multidimensional arrays is implemented non-deterministically.

Runtime Array bounds checking is not implemented. Thus, the -a flag does not serve any purpose

pred and succ will always just return a value. They do not check if the pred or succ is out of bounds