mnurzia / rv

32-bit RISC-V CPU in ~800 lines of C89
MIT License
603 stars 28 forks source link


RISC-V CPU core written in ANSI C.



/* Memory access callback: data is input/output, return RV_BAD on fault. */
typedef rv_res (*rv_bus_cb)(void *user, rv_u32 addr, rv_u8 *data, rv_u32 is_store, rv_u32 width);

/* Initialize CPU. You can call this again on `cpu` to reset it. */
void rv_init(rv *cpu, void *user, rv_bus_cb bus_cb);

/* Single-step CPU. Returns RV_E* on exception. */
rv_u32 rv_step(rv *cpu);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "rv.h"

#define RAM_BASE 0x80000000
#define RAM_SIZE 0x10000

rv_res bus_cb(void *user, rv_u32 addr, rv_u8 *data, rv_u32 is_store,
              rv_u32 width) {
  rv_u8 *mem = (rv_u8 *)user + addr - RAM_BASE;
  if (addr < RAM_BASE || addr + width >= RAM_BASE + RAM_SIZE)
    return RV_BAD;
  memcpy(is_store ? mem : data, is_store ? data : mem, width);
  return RV_OK;

rv_u32 program[2] = {
    /*            */             /* _start: */
    /* 0x80000000 */ 0x02A88893, /* add a7, a7, 42 */
    /* 0x80000004 */ 0x00000073  /* ecall */

int main(void) {
  rv_u8 mem[RAM_SIZE];
  rv cpu;
  rv_init(&cpu, (void *)mem, &bus_cb);
  memcpy((void *)mem, (void *)program, sizeof(program));
  while (rv_step(&cpu) != RV_EMECALL) {
  printf("Environment call @ %08X: %u\n", cpu.csr.mepc, cpu.r[17]);
  return 0;

See tools/example/example.c.

Running Linux

This repository contains a machine emulator that can use rv to boot Linux. See tools/linux/

Targeting rv

Use riscv-gnu-toolchain with tools/link.ld.

Suggested GCC commandline:

riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc example.S -nostdlib -nostartfiles -Tlink.ld -march=rv32imac -mabi=ilp32 -o example.o -e _start -g -no-pie

To dump a binary starting at 0x80000000 that can be directly loaded by rv as in the above example:

riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -g -O binary example.o example.bin

Instruction List

Click an instruction to see its implementation in rv.c.


Spaghetti code!

No switch statements!

Not useful!

