mo-seph / obsidian-note-from-template

Simple plugin to create Notes from a template, and fill in fields defined there
MIT License
108 stars 9 forks source link

Notes from Template

This plugin adds commands to create notes based on template files. It will go through each file in the templates directory in the settings, and create a command 'From Template: ' for each file. Each command will create a note based on the given template, with a popup to request values for each variable found in the template in Mustache syntax.

Template Demo

Discussion thread on Obsidian Forum:


An example template file might be:

template-output: People
tags: person, {{tags}}
template-replacement: "[[{{title}}]] ![[{{title}}#^overview]]"
template-input: title, overview, body
template-should-replace: "sometimes"
template-should-create: "open-pane"
# {{title}}


Organisation: {{organisation}}


This would


YAML and Properties

Templates can contain YAML fields that will be filed out in the same way as the rest of the template and become part of the note's Properties. So this will work as expected:

organsiation: "{{organisation}}"
{{name}} works at {{organisation}}

In order to be proper YAML, values cannot start with { or they are treated as dictionaries, so make sure to use organisation: "{{org}}" rather than organisation: {{org}} in the frontmatter.

For List properties, it will try to be clever if you make the property a List in the template. So you can have a template like this:

  - template-test
  - "{{tags}}"

and if you put extra-tag, another-extra-tag in the input field, it will render as:

  - template-test
  - extra-tag
  - another-extra-tag

From Template YAML Properties

(these will all be filtered out of the rendered note)

Name Value Default
template-id Unique ID for the template Lowercase version of the base name
template-name Name for the command Base name of the file
template-output Directory to save the output test
template-filename Filename for the created note. Will have .md appended. Note: if you set a different filename, then make sure to use {{filename}} in the template-replacement strings if you want to link to the file. {{title}}
template-replacement A Mustache template to replace the selected text in the editor with. Can pass a list, which will appear as buttons in creator {{[[title]]}}
template-input If the command is called with some text selected, split it up using the plugin's split pattern, and put the values into those fields title,body
template-should-replace Should the template write text back to the document? "always", "sometimes" = only if text is selected, "never" "sometimes"
template-should-create Should the template make and open a note? "none"=no note, "create"= create but don't open, "open"=create and open in current editor, "open-pane" = create and open in new pane, "open-tab" = open in new tab "open-tab"


Field Types

Each field is double curly braces, a field ID, a field type (defaults to text), some number of arguments separated by : and optionally a description after a |, i.e. {{fieldID:fieldType:arg1:arg2|This is an example field}}

Type Args Description Example(s)
text none A text input field - this is the default {{name}}, {{country:text}}, {{country:text:Belgium}}
area none A text area - default if the field name is 'body' {{description:area}}, {{body}}
currentDate format The current date, using the format in Luxon format ( (Moment.js shouldn't be used for new projects, dayjs doesn't play nicely with the build system) {{now:currentDate:dd-MM-yyyy}}
choice choices A dropdown select field {{suit:choice:hearts:spades:diamonds:clubs}}
multi choices A multi-select field {{colors:multi:yellow:red:green:blue}}

Non-field tags

Field Description Usage Example
currentTitle The title of the active note when the template was triggered parent: [[{currentTitle}]] in frontmatter to create hierarchy
currentPath The path of the active note when the template was triggered


Some hotkeys are defined:


Very open to collaboration - drop me a line or PR






Big changes - completely refactored, new options, new fields, most defaults in settings, should be more responsive to template changes