moajohansson / IsaHipster

Theory Exploration for Isabelle using HipSpec
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Hipster - theory exploration in Isabelle/HOL

Hipster is always under development, but feel free to play around with it! To install Hipster, you first need Isabelle and TIP-tools.

Isabelle is available from: Hipster works with Isabelle 2019.

Start by installing TIP-tools. You need to have Haskell installed, as well as Stack:

git clone
cd tools
stack setup
stack install

You can now clone the Hipster repository itself:

git clone

Finally, you need to tell Isabelle where to find Hipster and TIP-tools, which you just installed. Do this by setting the environment variables $HIPSTER_HOME and $HASKELL_HOME in the file $ISABELLE_HOME_USER/etc/settings (create this file if it does not exist yet), where Isabelle normally has set $ISABELLE_HOME_USER to $USER_HOME/.isabelle. $HIPSTER_HOME should then point to the path for the IsaHipster directory you just cloned. $HASKELL_HOME should point to where Stack installs your Haskell executables (usually something like $HOME/.local/bin/).

See the Isabelle System's Manual for more info on how to set up Isabelle's system enviroment.

Alternatively, you may set the environment variables in your bash environment file, but then Isabelle will only find Hipster if you start it from the terminal, so I would recommend the former approach.

If you want to use Hipster from an Isabelle theory file, it needs to import the IsaHipster.thy file (which essentially sets up Hipster) by including the line:

imports "$HIPSTER_HOME/IsaHipster"

Now, you should be able to try Hipster.
Start up Isabelle on for example Examples/TreeDemo.thy and have a go.

To try coinductive theory exploration, check out Examples/StreamExample.thy.

Disclaimer: Hipster is always under development. Let us know if you run into anything too odd, and we'll try to fix it.