mobbr / mobbr-frontend

The angularjs based frontend app for Mobbr
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mobbr angular app

Using grunt for running and building the app:

  1. install nodejs (see for binaries)

  2. cd to project dir and do:

    npm install -g grunt
    npm install -g grunt-cli
    npm install -g bower
    npm install
    bower install
  3. run the app with grunt server

  4. build the app with grunt build. This minifies and concatenates resources and copies them to the /dist directory.

  5. deployment

    • deploying user should copy his ssh key to the server
    • deploying user should be a member of www-data: sudo usermod -a -G www-data <username>
    • run grunt deploy with optional environment value of 'test' (default) or 'prod': grunt deploy --env=<environment>
  6. unit testing

    • karma karma.conf.js
  7. e2e testing

    • First setup your environment. Cd to the project dir and do:

npm install -g protractor webdriver-manager update

webdriver-manager start grunt server (if not already running) protractor protractor.js