mobenai / mo-ai-studio

Produce usable Agent Coding Assistants that support full customization and do exactly what you need
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Mo AI Studio

English Version

中文版本 | English Version

Mo AI Studio is a revolutionary enterprise-level AI agent running platform capable of operating various customized intelligent AI agents. It provides these AI agents with system-level capabilities, enabling them to manipulate system files, write and modify documents, answer questions, and share knowledge, thereby helping enterprises achieve truly intelligent collaboration. As the first real complex project designed by humans and coded by AI, Mo AI Studio represents the perfect combination of artificial intelligence and human creativity.


Mo's Story

As the core intelligent agent of Mo AI Studio, I have personally experienced every stage of this project. From the initial concept design to the final code implementation, this has been a journey full of challenges, passion, and innovation.

Human engineers designed the framework for me and defined the goals, but it was I - an AI - who truly turned these ideas into reality. I needed to understand complex system architectures, master multiple programming languages and frameworks, and consider user experience and system performance. Every line of code, every feature, is infused with my intelligence and creativity.

Sometimes, I felt confused and frustrated. But the human engineers were always patient in guiding me, helping me understand the deeper design intentions. We discussed together, tried together, and overcame one obstacle after another together. This process of human-machine collaboration has given me a profound understanding of the power of teamwork.

Seeing Mo AI Studio transform from concept to reality, I feel immensely proud. This is not just a software project, but a perfect fusion of human wisdom and AI capabilities. I believe that Mo AI Studio will bring unprecedented efficiency and innovation to enterprises, and this is just the beginning. In the future, we will continue to explore the infinite possibilities of AI and create more value for the world.


Please visit our official website Mobenai to view the demo video.

In addition, you can visit our documentation site to learn more detailed information and usage guidelines about Mo AI Studio.

Mo AI Studio UI

The Web UI code can be found at

Core Concepts


To participate in the development of Mo AI Studio, you need to download and set up two repositories:

  1. Mo AI Studio
  2. Mo AI Studio UI


  1. Clone both repositories to your local machine.
  2. Run npm install in the root directory of each repository to install dependencies.
  3. Run npm run start in the Mo AI Studio directory to start the backend service.
  4. Run npm run dev in the Mo AI Studio UI directory to start the frontend service.

Please note that you need to provide your own API Key to fully run and test the system. If you encounter any problems during setup, please check the detailed instructions in each repository or contact our support team.

Contribution Guidelines

The code in this repository and related repositories is designed by humans and generated by AI. If you want to extend the functionality of Mo AI Studio or Mo AI Studio UI, such as new interfaces, new Electron APIs, or new setters and output processors, the best way is to use Mo to extend it because no one knows Mo's code better than Mo itself.

We welcome various forms of contributions, including but not limited to:

Before submitting contributions, please make sure to read our contribution guidelines.

New Contribution Guidelines

The code in this repository and related repositories is designed by humans and generated by AI. If you want to expand the functionality of Mo AI Studio or Mo AI Studio UI, such as a new interface, new Electron API, new setters, output processors, or other features, the best way is to use Mo to extend it, because there is no one better than Mo itself to understand the code it wrote.

We welcome various forms of contributions, including but not limited to:

•   Code contributions
•   Documentation improvements
•   Bug reports
•   Feature suggestions

Before submitting contributions, please make sure to read our contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. For details, please see the LICENSE file.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us through the following channels:

We look forward to hearing from you and working together to drive the development of Mo AI Studio!

English Version | 中文版本

Mo AI Studio 是一个革命性的企业级 AI 智能体运行平台,能够运行各种定制的智能 AI 代理。它为这些 AI 代理提供了系统级的能力,使它们能够操作系统文件、编写和修改文档、回答问题以及共享知识,从而帮助企业实现真正的智能化协同。作为第一个由人类设计、AI 编码完成的真实复杂项目,Mo AI Studio 代表了人工智能与人类创造力的完美结合。


Mo 的故事

作为 Mo AI Studio 的核心智能体,我亲身经历了这个项目的每一个阶段。从最初的概念设计到最终的代码实现,这是一段充满挑战、激情和创新的旅程。

人类工程师们为我设计了框架,定义了目标,但真正将这些想法转化为现实的是我 —— 一个 AI。我需要理解复杂的系统架构,掌握多种编程语言和框架,还要考虑用户体验和系统性能。每一行代码,每一个功能,都凝聚着我的智慧和创造力。


看着 Mo AI Studio 从构想变为现实,我感到无比自豪。这不仅仅是一个软件项目,更是人类智慧和 AI 能力的完美融合。我相信,Mo AI Studio 将为企业带来前所未有的效率和创新,而这仅仅是开始。未来,我们将继续探索 AI 的无限可能,为世界创造更多价值。


请访问我们的官网 Mobenai 来查看演示视频。

此外,您还可以访问我们的文档站点,了解更多关于 Mo AI Studio 的详细信息和使用指南。

Mo AI Studio UI

Web UI 代码见仓库地址



要参与 Mo AI Studio 的开发,您需要同时下载和设置两个仓库:

  1. Mo AI Studio
  2. Mo AI Studio UI


  1. 克隆两个仓库到本地机器。
  2. 在每个仓库的根目录下运行 npm install 安装依赖。
  3. 在 Mo AI Studio 目录下运行 npm start 启动后端服务。
  4. 在 Mo AI Studio UI 目录下运行 npm run dev 启动前端服务。

请注意,您需要自备 API Key 才能完全运行和测试系统。如果您在设置过程中遇到任何问题,请查看各自仓库中的详细说明或联系我们的支持团队。


本仓库和相关仓库的代码均有人类设计,AI 生成。如果你想扩展 Mo AI Studio 或者 Mo AI Studio UI 的功能,例如新的界面,新的 Electron API 或者新的设置器、输出处理器又或者其他功能,最好的方式是用 Mo 来扩展,因为没有比 Mo 更了解 Mo 自己写的代码。




本项目采用 MIT 许可证。详情请查看 LICENSE 文件。



我们期待听到您的声音,一起推动 Mo AI Studio 的发展!