moberwasserlechner / jasypt-gradle-plugin

Jasypt value encryption/decryption plugin for Gradle 4.10+
MIT License
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decrypt encrypt encryptable-properties gradle gradle-plugin jasypt

Jasypt gradle plugin

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This plugin was inspired by "mowedgrass/jasypt-gradle-boot".

This plugin works with Gradle 4.10+ and does not have a dependency to Spring Boot but can be used with it. It only depends on Jasypt.

I wrote it especially for the usage with "ulisesbocchio/jasypt-spring-boot" as I needed to encrypt my credentials somehow.


Add a buildscript block to the top of your build.gradle :

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.byteowls:jasypt-gradle-plugin:1.0.1"

Apply the plugin by adding that to your build.gradle

apply plugin: "com.byteowls.jasypt"

Note: This plugin can not be discovered within the plugin block right now but apply plugin: ... and the plugin block can coexist beside each other.

Run `./gradlew tasks´ to ensure that the plugin is loaded.


All below tasks need the --password option to work.

Use --strong-encryption option so the StrongTextEncryptor is used internally which runs a high-strength algorithm. (you may need to download and install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files to use it).


Search recursively for all .properties files for values wrapped with ENCRYPT() and encrypted the values.

./gradlew encryptProperties --password=encryptor_password

Search recursively for non production property files and encrypt their wrapped values.

./gradlew encryptProperties --file-filter-pattern='application-((?!prod).*)\.properties' --password=encryptor_password

The original files are always backed up unless you add --no-backup.


./gradlew encryptText --text=hello --password=encryptor_password


Search recursively for all .properties files for values wrapped with ENC() and decrypted the values.

./gradlew decryptProperties --password=encryptor_password

Search recursively for non production property files and decrypt their wrapped values.

./gradlew decryptProperties --file-filter-pattern='application-((?!prod).*)\.properties' --password=encryptor_password

The original files are always backed up unless you add --no-backup.


./gradlew decryptText --text=UjNjJVq8ly/oU3JGMNiQXw== --password=encryptor_password




MIT. Please see LICENSE.