mobify / pikabu

Off-Canvas flyout menu
MIT License
453 stars 51 forks source link

Mobify Pikabu

A mobile-first content fly-in UI plugin.

Bower version Dependency Status Circle CI



If you are using Zepto, you need to load bower_components/mobify-velocity/velocity.js (this file comes with a jQuery shim bundled directly in it). If you are using jQuery, you need to load bower_components/velocity/jquery.velocity.js.

jQuery Support

Pikabu supports jQuery but is not actively developed for it. You should be able to use Pikabu directly with jQuery 2.0. While we don't actively support jQuery for Pikabu, we welcome any and all issues and PRs to help us make it work.


Pikabu can be installed using bower:

bower install pikabu

Usage with Require.js

We highly recommend using Require.js with Pikabu. To use Require, you have to reference Pikabu, Pikabu's effect modules, and Pikabu's dependencies inside your require config file:

    'paths': {
        'plugin': 'bower_components/plugin/dist/plugin.min',
        'pikabu': 'bower_components/pikabu/dist/pikabu.min',
        'shade': 'bower_components/shade/dist/shade.min',
        'lockup': 'bower_components/lockup/dist/lockup.min',
        'deckard': 'bower_components/deckard/dist/deckard.min',
        'bouncefix': 'bower_components/bouncefix.js/dist/bouncefix.min',
        'velocity': 'bower_components/mobify-velocity/velocity',
        // or jQuery version 'velocity': 'bower_components/mobify-velocity/jquery.velocity',

        'drawer-left': 'bower_components/pikabu/dist/effect/drawer-left',
        'drawer-right': 'bower_components/pikabu/dist/effect/drawer-right'
        // There are a few more within the 'effect' folder

And then require Pikabu in as needed:

    function($, modalCenter) {
            effect: modalCenter


Pikabu requires very minimal markup. All Pikabu needs is a div with your content and it will automatically transform into what we need.

To avoid any unwanted FOUT, decorate the content you will be passing to Pikabu with the hidden attribute. We will remove that attribute when Pikabu is initialized.

For accessibility and functional purposes, Pikabu will wrap all of your body content in a wrapping container. This could conflict with other plugins that alter your page's markup. If you're seeing issues, try initializing Pikabu after your other plugins. If you want to specify your own wrapping container, add a class of lockup__container to the element. This element should be a root level element to be effective. You can also pass Pikabu a container parameter.

<!-- Include the CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Optionally include the Theme file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Optionally include a wrapping container -->
<div id="bodyContent" class="pikabu__body-wrapper">
    Your specified body content

<!-- Include the markup -->
<div id="yourPikabu" hidden>
    Your pikabu content

<!-- Include dependencies -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Include the effect module you want to use -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Include pikabu.js -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Construct Pikabu -->

Initializing the plugin


Initializes the pikabu.

    effect: modalCenter

You can also initialize the Pikabu through the use of a data attribute. The attribute takes a value equal to the effect you want to use.

<div id="myPikabu" data-pikabu="sheet-bottom">

You must pass Pikabu an effect for it to work.


Initialize with options.

    effect: sheetBottom,
    container: '#container',
    structure: {
        header: 'My Pikabu Title',
        footer: false
    zIndex: 2,
    cssClass: 'my-pikabu-class',
    coverage: '100%',
    easing: 'swing',
    duration: 200,
    shade: {
        color: '#404040'
    open: noop,
    opened: noop,
    close: noop,
    closed: noop



default: { open: noop, close: noop },

Specifies which effect module Pikabu should use when opening. Effect modules allow you to load specific functionality that tell Pikabu how to open and close. Available effect modules can be found in the dist/effect folder. Current effect modules include:

    effect: sheetLeft


default: $container (lockup's container)

Specify the container Pikabu will be created within

    container: $('#mainForm') // or container: '#mainForm'


default: null

Specify the element Pikabu will be appended to. By default Pikabu will be appended to the lockup container. If you want it to be appended outside the lockup container, specify that element here.

    appendTo: 'body'

default: { header: '', footer: false }

Defines the structure to use for Pikabu. Specifically, Pikabu tries to build its own HTML structure if passed the default options.

If you want to have full control over the HTML of your Pikabu, including the header, footer, and content section, set structure: false. Setting structure: false will still allow the close event to be bound to any element that has the pikabu__close class, allowing you to specify the element that should trigger closing your Pikabu.

If you are using structure: false, you will need to structure your HTML to include the following elements (missing any elements will cause Pikabu to not function):

<div id="myPikabu" class="pikabu__wrapper" role="document" hidden>
    <div class="pikabu__header">
        <a class="pikabu__close">close</a>
    <div class="pikabu__content pikabu--is-scrollable"></div>
    <div class="pikabu__footer"></div>

Please see below for available sub-options for header and footer.


default: ''

Sets the header that Pikabu should use in its header bar. Valid values are:

// generates no header
    structure: {
        header: false


// generates a default header with the title "My Pikabu"
        structure: {
            header: 'My Pikabu'


    structure: {
        header: '<header class="pikabu__header">My Pikabu<button class="pikabu__close">Close</button></header>'

default: false

Sets the footer that Pikabu should use in its footer. Valid values are:

// generates no footer
    structure: {
        footer: false


// generates a default footer with the contents "My Footer"
    structure: {
        footer: 'My Footer'


    structure: {
        footer: '<footer class="pikabu__footer">My Footer</footer>'

default: 2

Sets the z-index value for Pikabu. Use this value if you need to specify a specific stacking order.

    zIndex: 10

default: ''

Sets a class to apply to the main Pikabu parent element for ease of styling.

    cssClass: 'my-pikabu-class'

default: 80%

Sets the coverage value. This will allow you to specify that the pikabu covers only a portion of the screen.

    coverage: '80%'

default: 200

Sets the duration for the animation.

    duration: 600

default: {}

Specifies whether pikabu should use the shade overlay. You can pass options through to Shade using this property. For more information on available options, see the Shade documentation.

Warning: We currently force Shade's duration to match the one provided to Pikabu. This is to limit DOM thrashing as much as possible during Pikabu's animation. Pikabu hitches a little if we don't do this.

    shade: {
        color: '#333333'

default: swing

Sets the easing for the animation. Pikabu takes all of the same easing properties that Velocity.js accepts.

  • jQuery UI's easings and CSS3's easings ("ease", "ease-in", "ease-out", and "ease-in-out"), which are pre-packaged into Velocity. A bonus "spring" easing (sampled in the CSS Support pane) is also included.
  • CSS3's bezier curves: Pass in a four-item array of bezier points. (Refer to for crafing custom bezier curves.)
  • Spring physics: Pass a two-item array in the form of [ tension, friction ]. A higher tension (default: 600) increases total speed and bounciness. A lower friction (default: 20) increases ending vibration speed.
  • Step easing: Pass a one-item array in the form of [ steps ]. The animation will jump toward its end values using the specified number of steps.

For more information, check out Velocity's docs on easing.

    easing: 'ease-in-out'

default: function(e, ui) {}

Triggered every time the selected pikabu item is starting to open.


Parameter name Description
e An Event object passed to the callback
ui An object containing any associated data for use inside the callback
    open: function(e, ui) {
        // ui.item contains the item opening

default: function(e, ui) {}

Triggered every time the selected pikabu item has finished opening.


Parameter name Description
e An Event object passed to the callback
ui An object containing any associated data for use inside the callback
    opened: function(e, ui) {
        // ui.item contains the item that opened

default: function(e, ui) {}

Triggered every time an pikabu item is starting to close.

Parameter name Description
e An Event object passed to the callback
ui An object containing any associated data for use inside the callback
    close: function(e, ui) {
        // ui.item contains the item closing

default: function(e, ui) {}

Triggered every time an pikabu item is finished closing.

Parameter name Description
e An Event object passed to the callback
ui An object containing any associated data for use inside the callback
    closed: function(e, ui) {
        // ui.item contains the item that closed



Open the selected pikabu item by element reference



Close the selected pikabu item by element reference


Pikabu will automatically trigger close on elements decorated with the class name pikabu__close.

<button class="pikabu__close">Close</button>

Browser Compatibility

Browser Version Support
Mobile Safari 5.1.x Degraded. Form inputs cause scroll issues while typing.
Mobile Safari 6.0+ Supported.
Chrome (Android) 1.0+ Supported.
Android Browser 4.0+ Degraded. No scroll locking.
IE for Win Phone 8.0+ Degraded. No scroll locking.
Firefox (Android) 23.0+ Supported. (Support may exist for earlier versions but has not been tested)

Known Issues

Currently, form inputs and selects inside of Pikabu have issues on iOS7 and under. This is due to not being able to lock scrolling without causing rendering issues as well as iOS attempting to scroll the page when the keyboard opens. Forms work but will cause some visual jumping.

Building a distribution



  1. npm install
  2. bower install
  3. grunt build

The dist directory will be populated with minified versions of the css and javascript files for distribution and use with whatever build system you might use. The src directory has our raw unminified Sass and Javascript files if you prefer to work with those.


MIT License. Pikabu is Copyright © 2014 Mobify. It is free software and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.