mobilpay / Magento

MAGENTO implementation - CARD Processing @mobilPay
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NETOPIA Payments module for Magento 2.4.X

(for previous versions using the other branches of this GitHub repository)



The Module placed in folder "Netopia"

  1. put Netopia folder inside of /app/code/
    • verify the ownership & make sure have right user and/or group ownership
  2. SSH to your Magento server and run the following commands
    • php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    • php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    • php bin/magento ca:cl
  3. Complete the Configuration
  4. Enable the module.
    Additional option

    By Enable the Allow mobilPay WALLET Payment you will give this option to your clients to pay also via mobilPay WALLET by scan a simple QrCode

  5. Download your keys from for Live mode and for Sandbox mode. Set your Mode at Mode Configuration and Upload the certificates.

    Note : if you would like to have possibility to work with both mode (Sandbox and Live), you will need the keys for each mode.


By run the following command you can make sure, if this module is installed successfully on your Magento Proiect

After installation

Recommended to firstly, go to Admin panel & fill the necessary data ->Stores->Configuration->Sales->Payment Methods->Netopia Payments

Where Keys / Certificates are located

The Public & Private Keys for Live and Sandbox are located in /app/code/Netopia/Netcard/etc/certificates

Good to know

NETOPIA Payments development team try to keep compatibility of the Magento module with latest version of Magento, in order to helping you to implamenting your ecomerce website faster.

Tested up to :

Magento : 2.4.6

PHP : 8.2.8

Openssl : 3.0