mobitel-ltd / jira-to-matrix

JIRA to Matrix bot
32 stars 10 forks source link

Tasktracker to messenger bot

Build Status codecov dependencies Status code style: prettier Maintainability

A bot (web-service) which:

What does this Bot do?



Quick start

  1. Clone repo.
  2. Enter root directory with package.json and run npm install.
  3. Create file config.js using this example.
  4. Be sure that Redis, Jira and Matrix works correct.
  5. If you want your logs to be writen in file check directory in logs exists. All logs, even webhooks bodies will be there.
  6. Run npm run start.
  7. When you see well connected in logs you can create some example issue in Jira. If all is OK you have to be invited in room with such name in your Matrix client!

Work process description

You can use one or several. If you use several bots - distribute rooms between them. Add bots to config:

 // Matrix params
    messenger: {
        // users with admin status
        admins: ['admin'],
        // messenger name
        name: 'matrix',
        // messenger domain
        domain: '',
        // short name, before colomn, without @
        user: 'jira_bot',
        // password
        password: 'key',
        bots: [
                user: 'jira_bot2',
                password: 'key',
                user: 'jira_bot3',
                password: 'key',
        infoRoom: {
            users: ['tt_test1', 'tt_test2'],
            name: 'INFO',


Bots start asynchronously together, but queue processing starts after all bots start. Time of starting depence of count room.

Logs after starting all bots:

well connected
2019-11-20 09:49:58.520 matrix-bots         fluentd         messenger-api
Matrix bot jira_bot was connected on 1 min 12 sec
2019-11-20 09:49:58.522 matrix-bots         fluentd         /fsm/index.js
well connected
2019-11-20 10:05:48.267 matrix-bots         fluentd         messenger-api
Matrix bot jira_bot_2 was connected on 17 min 2 sec
2019-11-20 10:05:48.272 matrix-bots         fluentd         /fsm/index.js
well connected
2019-11-20 10:11:09.108 matrix-bots         fluentd         messenger-api
Matrix bot jira_bot_3 was connected on 22 min 23 sec
2019-11-20 10:11:09.109 matrix-bots         fluentd         /fsm/index.js
All matrix bots were connected on 22 min 23 sec
2019-11-20 10:11:09.111 matrix-bots         fluentd         /fsm/index.js
All chat bot are connected!!!

After starting bot listen to all Jira webhooks.

It means that all actions in your Jira server will be followed with webhooks. Its body we parse and save to Redis and if user is not ignored or issue is not private (it's very important for next gen Jira in cloud).

If user is ignored or issue is private we can log:

username: <name>, creator: <creator>, ignoreStatus: true
timestamp: <timestamp>, webhookEvent: <webhook_event>, issueName: <issue_name>, ignoreStatus: true

ignoreStatus: true is set depending on:

  1. Hook type. Processing only: issue, issuelink, project, comment. Over types will be ignored.
  2. Task type, settings from redis (set admin project, command !ignore).
  3. Users ignore (section in config usersToIgnore and testMode.users). Use for dev mode.

Redis data is handled:

  1. After starting Bot Redis.
  2. After saving data in Redis.
  3. Every 15 min if data is still in redis and something was wrong in last attempt.

After succedded handling Redis records you can see logs with every key and result of handling:

Result of handling redis key <redisKey> --- <true/false>

If handling is succedded data will be removed, if staus is false it will be in Redis and next time will be handled again. It lets us to prevent some problems with connections to matrix for example.

Matrix commands

Command list

Work with Riot is based on input command in room with Bot.

All commands are available only in rooms with Bot and that compares with Jira. Get all commands and their rules to use in Riot you can get with first command - !help. If you use command not correct you will get message:

Command <command name> not found

If your command is correct you will see message with info about it.

More info about all commands you can get here

Matrix client

To work with Riot we use SDK Matrix. Starting bot connect to matrix domain from config as user like @${config.matrix.user}:${config.matrix.domain}. After succedded connection you will see in logs:

createClient OK BaseUrl: https://<domain>, userId: @<user_name>:<domain>
Started connect to chatApi
Got push rules
well connected

If something is wrong in connection you will get error:

createClient error. BaseUrl: ${baseUrl}, userId: ${userId}

When Bot is stopped:

Disconnected from Matrix

Redis records structure

To be sure that no data is lost we use Redis to save parsed webhooks. Prefix in Redis which all data is saved is in config as redis.prefix.

Structure of records:

    funcName: <function_handler>,
    data: <parsed webhook data>,

Install Linux CentOS service with systemd

# Add user jira-matrix-bot without homedirectory and deny system login
$ sudo useradd -M useradd -M jira-matrix-bot
$ sudo usermod -L jira-matrix-bot

# Change directory owner to new created user
$ sudo chown -R jira-matrix-bot: /path/to/jira-to-matrix

# Modify service config
$ vi /path/to/jira-to-matrix/jira-to-matrix.service
# change User, WorkingDirectory, ExecStart

# Copy service definition to systemd directory
$ sudo cp /path/to/jira-to-matrix/jira-to-matrix.servce /etc/systemd/system

# Enable connections to bot with Jira webhook (tcp port 4100, see your config.js)
$ sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=4100/tcp --permanent

# Add permissions for SELinux (tcp port 4100, see your config.js)
$ sudo semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 4100

# Enable service to run at startup
$ sudo systemctl enable jira-to-matrix

# Start service
$ sudo systemctl start jira-to-matrix

Additional docs

More information is here


The project is in a rough shape and under active development. Fixed It is successfully deployed in a medium-size company.

Developed with Node 8.1. Probably will work on any version having async/await.

Russian README