modelica-tools / FMUComplianceChecker

FMI Compliance Checker for validation of FMUs 1.0 and 2.0
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
42 stars 31 forks source link
discontinued fmi fmi-standard

[!IMPORTANT] The development of the FMU Compliance Checker has been discontinued. Please use one of the tools listed on instead.

FMI Compliance Checker

Background information for FMI Compliance Checker (FMUChecker) application.

The FMI Compliance Checker is intended for validation of FMU 1.0 and 2.0 compliance to the standard specification as published at

The basic features include:

Usage: fmuCheck.<platform> [options] <model.fmu>


-c <separator>   Separator character to be used in CSV output. Default is ','.

-d               Print also left limit values at event points to the output
                 file to investigate event behaviour. Default is to only print
                 values after event handling.

-e <filename>    Error log file name. Default is to use standard error.

-f               Print all variables to the output file. Default is to only
                 print outputs.

-h <stepSize>    For ME simulation: Decides step size to use in forward Euler.
                 For CS simulation: Decides communication step size for the
                 Observe that if a small stepSize is used the number of saved
                 outputs will still be limited by the number of output points.
                 Default is to calculated a step size from the number of output
                 points. See the -n option for how the number of outputs is

-i <infile>      Name of the CSV file name with input data.

-l <log level>   Log level: 0 - no logging, 1 - fatal errors only, 2 - errors,
                 3 - warnings, 4 - info, 5 - verbose, 6 - debug.

-m               Mangle variable names to avoid quoting (needed for some CSV
                 importing applications, but not according to the CrossCheck

-n <numSteps>    Maximum number of output points. "-n 0" means output at every
                 step and the number of outputs are decided by the -h option.
                 Observe that no interpolation is used, output points are taken
                 at the steps.
                 Default is 500.

-o <filename>    Simulation result output CSV file name. Default is to use
                 standard output.

-s <stopTime>    Simulation stop time, default is to use information from
                 'DefaultExperiment' as specified in the model description XML.

-t <tmp-dir>     Temporary dir to use for unpacking the FMU.
                 Default is to use system-wide directory, e.g., C:\Temp or /tmp.

-v               Print the checker version information.

-k xml           Check XML only.
-k me            Check XML and ME simulation.
-k cs            Check XML and CS simulation.
                 Multiple -k options add up.
                 No -k option: test XML, simulate ME and CS respectively if

-x               Check XML only. Same as -k xml.

-z <unzip-dir>   Do not create and remove a temp directory but instead use the
                 specified one for unpacking the FMU. The option takes
                 precendence over -t.

Command line examples:

fmuCheck.win32 model.fmu
        The checker on win32 platform will process 'model.fmu' with default

fmuCheck.win64 -e log.txt -o result.csv -c , -s 2 -h 1e-3 -l 5 -t . model.fmu
        The checker on win64 platform will process "model.fmu". The log
        messages will be saved in log.txt, simulation output in
        result.csv and comma will be used for field separation in the CSV
        file. The checker will simulate the FMU until 2 seconds with
        time step 1e-3 seconds. Verbose messages will be generated.
        Temporary files will be created in the current directory.