moderngl / moderngl-window

A cross platform utility library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple
MIT License
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hacktoberfest library moderngl moderngl-window opengl python

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A cross platform utility library for ModernGL making window creation and resource loading simple. It can also be used with PyOpenGL for rendering with the programmable pipeline.

Please report bugs or post questions/feedback on github.


We are not trying to force the user into using every aspect of this library. If you have an exiting project and just need texture loading you will be able to do this without unnecessary hurdles as long as you provide us your moderngl.Context.


$ pip install moderngl-window

Supported Platforms

Sample Usage

Simple example opening a window clearing every frame using red (color).

import moderngl_window as mglw

class Test(mglw.WindowConfig):
    gl_version = (3, 3)

    def render(self, time, frametime):
        self.ctx.clear(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Run the example with different window backends:

$ python --window pyglet
$ python --window pygame2
$ python --window glfw
$ python --window sdl2
$ python --window pyside2
$ python --window pyqt5
$ python --window tk

WindowConfig classes are the simplest way to get started without knowing a lot about this library. For more advanced usage see documentation or examples.

Setup from source

We assume the user knows how to handle virtualenvs.

# Install the package in editable mode
$ pip install -e .

# Install development requirements
$ pip install -e .[dev]

Running Tests

With dev requirements installed:


Building Docs

$ pip install -e .[dev]
$ sphinx-build -b html docs docs/_build


Contributions are welcome regardless of experience level. Don't hesitate submitting issues, opening partial or completed pull requests.


We are interested in contributions providing new loaders, windows etc. For these to be included in this library we require them to work cross platforms (win10/linux/osx) and be fairly easy to set up.

If it requires more than manually downloading a pre-compiled dll (like SDL2, GLFW etc.) it would most likely not be included, but you are welcome to present your case if you still think it should be included.

If you create your own repo/package containing plugins for this library, please make an issue and we'll link back to it. Be sure to include what platforms are supported, install instructions, how you configure it in moderngl-window and of course a clear and concise description of what exactly your package provides.


If you need to cite this repository in academic research:

  author = {Einar Forselv},
  title = {moderngl-window, a cross-platform windowing/utility library for ModernGL},
  date = {2020-05-01},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},
  commit = {<insert hash if needed>}

If commit hash is required this can be found per release here:


We can't build everything from scratch. We rely on certain packages and resources to make this project possible.



Testing & Utility


Some History

The majority of the code in this library comes from demosys-py (somewhat modified). Because demosys-py is a framework we decided to split out a lot useful functionality into this library. Frameworks are a lot less appealing to users and it would be a shame to not make this more available to the ModernGL user base.