modesttree / Projeny

A project and package manager for Unity
MIT License
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dependency dependency-manager management manager organization package package-manager project project-management unity3d

Project and Package Manager for Unity3D

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The purpose of Projeny is to allow your Unity3D project to easily scale in size without heavily impacting development time.

Projeny allows you to:

See below for details on how Projeny achieves all these features.

This project is open source. If you're interested in helping, great! There's still a number of features we'd like to support eventually (in particular we need help with supporting OSX).

NOTE: Projeny requires Unity3D 5.3.1 or higher, since it makes use of the -buildTarget command line switch is only fixed in 5.3.1

Table Of Contents


You can either run Projeny directly from source (requires python) or simply download the latest binary. Note that Projeny is currently only supported on Windows (with an OSX version planned for future releases).


Projeny works by composing your Unity3D projects entirely out of 'directory links' (aka windows junctions aka symbolic links).

This is best shown with an example. After installing Projeny, download the sample project from the releases page and extract it to a new folder on your hard drive. The folder structure should appear like this:

Each folder in the UnityProjects directory represents an actual Unity3D project. Note that they each have the familiar ProjectSettings directory but they do not yet have an Assets directory. This is because these projects have not been initialized yet by Projeny. You'll also notice a file named Projeny.yaml at the root of the folder structure. This is a simple text file that is used to specify configuration settings for Projeny.

To initialize these Unity projects we must run Projeny from the command line. Open up command prompt or powershell and navigate to the root directory (the same directory where you will find Projeny.yaml). Then execute prj --init. If the prj command is not found, check that it has been added to your windows PATH variable, as mentioned in the install instructions. All this command does is initialize some of the the directory links for these projects.

If we look at our project folders again, we see that a bunch of new folders appear to have been added. Let's look at the CubeMover project in particular:

The CubeMover-Windows folder is new, and now has the familiar Assets directory. It also contains a bunch of folders within it such as CubeMover, CommonShapeMover, etc.

To actually run our project, open the CubeMover-Windows folder in Unity and then open the scene at CubeMover/CubeMain. After running it you should see the cube move around while changing colors.

So where did all these files come from? The answer is 'directory links' (aka windows junctions aka symbolic links). All of these new folders are not really folders in themselves but instead they are simply links to existing folders somewhere else.

In fact, if you're using source control, the entire CubeMover-Windows directory should be excluded from it (by using a .gitignore file, a .svnignore, .p4ignore, or whatever ignore method applies to the source control you're using). If you're using subversion or git, this will happen automatically when you initialize your project (otherwise, you will have to make sure to add the ignore files yourself).

We do this because the contents of the CubeMover-Windows folder does not itself contain any real content. It simply contains temporary files generated by Unity (such as the Library folder) and directory links to other directories that actually do contain content.

The directories containing the actual content can be found in the UnityPackages directory. This is where you will find the CubeMover and CommonShapeMover folders that we see linked to underneath the assets directory.

But how does Projeny know which packages to use for the CubeMover project? For this it reads from a configuration text file, which can be found at CubeMover/ProjenyProject.yaml. Details on this file are covered in another section below. This file can be changed by hand, but most of the time however you can use Projeny's built-in Unity plugin to manipulate this file instead. You can try this by opening the CubeMover project in Unity, then clicking the menu item Projeny -> Package Manager.... This window will be be explained in more detail in the following sections.

Advantages of Using Projeny

Ok so why are we doing this? Why go to the trouble of creating this seemingly complex directory structure of for every project? What's wrong with the standard way that Unity is designed?

We do this because it has many advantages over standard Unity development:

1 - Shared files between projects

By using directory links, you can have multiple Unity projects all using the same package folders, without needing to copy and paste each package per project. You can change a file such as a prefab or a C# file, and that change will be applied to all other projects that are using it as well

Previously, the best way to share code between different Unity projects was to put the code into a DLL and then output that DLL to all the Unity Projects that you want to use it in. This works ok but has a number of gotchas that make this approach difficult to do correctly.

Want to re-use some common utility code/prefabs in several different games? Just have multiple Unity projects for each game all using the same utility packages directly.

Want to just test one part of your game without needing to fire up the entire project? Just create another Unity project and reference only the parts of the game you want to test.

To see this in action, do the following: (Note: this assumes you have already run prj --init as described above)

2 - Package Organization and Asset Store Integration

Projeny allows you to much more easily manage many different Unity packages that you've created yourself, but also those packages that you've installed through the asset store.

You can build up a big collection of packages that you've purchased through the asset store and added to your UnityPackages directory, and then easily include or exclude those by simply selecting or not selecting them for each project. Projeny can also be used to easily upgrade/downgrade installed asset store packages all through a simple interface within Unity. See this section for more details on managing asset store packages through Projeny.

3 - Near instant platform switching

You might be wondering why the projects that you've been dealing with are all marked with the suffix '-Windows'. Or why there are multiple ProjectSettings folders that appear after you run the --init command as described above (One underneath CubeMover and another underneath CubeMover-Windows)

The reason for this is to allow Projeny to create entirely separate Unity project directories for each platform. This allows us to jump instantly from one platform to another without needing to wait for Unity to process all the assets.

In the examples above, we have only initialized the windows Unity project CubeMover-Windows but we can also create CubeMover-iOS, CubeMover-Android, etc. by opening these platforms for this project.

When that occurs, Projeny will create a directory link to the main ProjectSettings directory so that we can have all these different platform-specific projects use the same Unity project settings.

To see this in action, open up the CubeMover project in Unity then select the menu item Projeny -> Change Platform -> iOS. The first time you do this will take longer since Unity has to process the files but any subsequent times should be nearly instant, since it should be no different from simply opening another project.

4 - Compile time optimization

Unity compiles your project in multiple passes. The first pass compiles all C# files that are in the Plugins/ directory and the second pass compiles all other C# files. If Unity does not detect any changes in the Plugins/ directory then Unity will skip this first pass and only execute the second pass. (Note: This is a bit of a simplification - see here for full details)

We can take advantage of this by always putting all stable packages (such as those obtained through asset store) into the Plugins folder and putting the packages that we change frequently directly underneath the Assets folder.

And because we are using directory links, and the entire CubeMover-Windows folder is ignored by source control, changing the location of these directory links is trivial. You can modify this directory structure multiple times per day based on what you're working on, by simply using changing a few things in the Projeny Package Manager window.

To see this in action, open up the AllMovers-Windows project.

By default, the assets folder should appear as follows:

If we are only working within the AllMovers project, there is no reason we need to be recompiling CommonShapeMover, CubeMover, and SphereMover projects every time a script changes. So these projects can be moved to be underneath the Plugins folder.

To do this, open up the package manager by clicking on the menu item Projeny -> Package Manager.... You should see something like this:

Package Manager

If you click on the Edit button you should see the ProjenyProject.yaml file associated with this project. This file contains all projeny configuration settings for your project. You can edit this file by hand, or use the GUI provided by the Package Manager window as shown above.

Now, drag the CommonShapeMover, CubeMover, and SphereMover projects to the Plugins folder, so that it looks like this:

Package Manager

Then click the "Update Directories" button. This will update the ProjenyProject.yaml file and also update the directory links in our project to match. After Unity refreshes, if you look at the Assets tab, it should now appear how we want:

Now we can continue coding within the AllMovers project and benefit from faster compile times.

5 - Platform specific package folders

Unity 5 adds some helpful features, including the ability to enable/disable a DLL based on platform. If you add a DLL to your project then click on it you get a bunch of checkboxes in the inspector that allow you to choose which platform this DLL is for. Projeny allows you to do something similar except for all assets and directories.

This is possible because when Projeny generates your Unity project, it can choose a different set of package folders to include based on the current platform, since each platform has its own Unity project directory generated for it.

One example use for this is if you had a large Resources folder that contained a lot of data for a specific platform. Since Unity always includes the contents of the Resources folders for builds, this would cause your platform specific files inside Resources to be included on other platforms for no reason. Using Projeny, you can simply move the Resources folder to a platform specific package to address this problem

This can also make things easier when it comes to code. You can have entire package folders be platform specific, then you no longer need to add #ifdef's around entire files to avoid the compile errors on other platforms.

For more details on how to use this feature, see the section on package configuration.

6 - Dependency Management of Packages

When adding a package to the UnityPackages directory, you can also specify the packages that this package depends on. Then, when Projeny is generating your Unity project directory, it can automatically figure out which packages you need.

This is very powerful, because often when working on a new project you want to just be able to ask for package X, and you don't want to have to think about what other packages this package requires.

To see this in action, open up the AllMovers-Windows project again. Then open the package manager by clicking Projeny -> Package Manager.... In the Project section, try deleting the projects CommonShapeMover, CubeMover, and SphereMover. You can do this by either clicking them and hitting delete, or right clicking and selecting Remove. The package manager should then look like this:

Package Manager

Then hit "Update Directories". If you then look at the Assets tab, you should see the following directory structure:

So the question is, why were the SphereMover, CommonShapeMover, and CubeMover packages added even when not specified in the ProjenyProject.yaml file?

The reason for this is that the AllMovers package has its own list dependencies separate from the project.

To see this, click the arrow on the far left side in the Package Manager window. This will change the view to show the full list of packages that are available for use in your project, in addition to the previous screen that showed the current ProjenyProject.yaml configuration settings.

Now, right click on the AllMovers package in the Packages list and select Edit ProjenyPackage.yaml, as shown here:

Package Manager

This will open up the file at UnityPackages/AllMovers/ProjenyPackage.yaml. It should appear as follows:

    - CubeMover
    - SphereMover

This tells Projeny that whenever the AllMovers package is added to a project, the SphereMover and CubeMover packages should be added as well. Once Projeny processes the ProjenyPackage.yaml file for the AllMovers project, it will then look at the ProjenyPackage.yaml for the CubeMover and the SphereMover projects, and then repeat again for those dependencies, etc. (The CubeMover and SphereMover packages are what contain the reference to CommonShapeMover).

7 - More intelligent Visual Studio Solution generation

Projeny can also take advantage of the dependency information between packages to generate a better Visual Studio project.

To see this in action, open up the AllMovers-Windows project, and then click the menu item Projeny -> Package Manager.... Then click on the arrow button on the right until you reach this screen:

Package Manager

Click the Open Solution button. By default this will open the solution using the default program, but you can also set this explicitly in the Projeny.yaml by setting a value for VisualStudioIdePath like below:

    UnityPackagesDir: '[ConfigDir]/UnityPackages'
    UnityProjectsDir: '[ConfigDir]/UnityProjects'
    LogPath: '[ConfigDir]/PrjLog.txt'
    VisualStudioIdePath: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe'

After opening the solution, you should see two C# projects. One named "AssetsFolder" that contains all C# files under the Assets/ folder and one named "PluginsFolder" that contains all C# files underneath the Plugins/ folder. So far, this is the same as the solution that Unity produces when it generates its visual studio solution.

Go back to the Package manager and drag the following projects over:

Package Manager

Now, if you hit Update Solution, and go back to Visual Studio you should see the following:

Package Manager

As you can see, every package that you drag to the list on the right in the Package Manager will have a C# project created for it. You'll also notice that the AssetsFolder has disappeared. This is because Projeny did not find any files left over to place in it, so it didn't bother to create the project. But, since we did not drag over the CommonShapeMover project, the PluginsFolder project has remained.

This can be helpful for code organization but more importantly, this allows you to design dependencies on a module level. In normal Unity projects, every code file could potentially make use of any other code file in your entire project. For small projects this is not an issue, however, as your project scales in size it is helpful to be able to design code at a module level and avoid having your project devolve into a Big ball of mud.

For example, it is common to build up a library of re-usable utility functions that you can use in multiple Unity projects, such as a math library. For these cases, it would be important to avoid using game-specific code from within your math library, because then your math library would be strongly coupled to your game and you wouldn't be able to use it in other projects. If you compile using the Projeny generated solution file, this would not be a problem, since it would guarantee these dependencies remain intact, even though Unity itself would allow them.

If you want to use the Projeny-generated visual studio solution as your primary editor, you can also set up Unity to use it by default. You can do this by doing the following:

Now, when you double click a C# script or an error message in the Unity console it should open the file in the Projeny generated solution. Note that in this case you will have to set a value for VisualStudioIdePath as described above.

Note the following:

Managing Asset Store Assets / Releases

If you open the menu item Projeny -> Package Manager and click the left arrow all the way to the left, you should see something similar to the following:

Package Manager

This is the list of "releases". A "Release" refers to an external collection of assets, often with an associated version number. In most cases, these refer to items that you've downloaded through the asset store but they can also be retrieved from other sources (such as a local folder on your hard drive or a remote file server).

By default, Projeny will scan your asset store cache to populate this list, so you will likely see some familiar assets listed here.

As an example, choose one of these assets and drag it into the Packages list on the right. I'm going to choose Asset Store Tools. After Projeny finishes creating the new package you should see something like the following:

Package Manager

You'll notice that the name of the package does not necessarily correspond exactly to the name of the release. This is because by default, Projeny will use the extracted folder name as the package name. This is necessary in some cases because some assets might require a specific folder name. Note that you can rename the package to whatever you want after adding it (through right click menu) if the default name is not ideal.

You'll also notice that the actual release name is displayed in green. Every time you install a release, Projeny adds a file named ProjenyInstall.yaml to the new package folder. This file contains information about where the package came from, what version it is, etc. This file is how Projeny is able to recognize which packages have a corresponding release. Note that in many cases there is none, and the package was simply created from scratch (eg. AllMovers, CubeMover, etc.)

This file is also what Projeny uses to detect when you are upgrading or downgrading a package. For example, if I now drag in Asset Store Tools again, but this time I choose version "4.0.5", you will get the following popup:

Package Manager

This same popup will be displayed when downgrading a package as well. This can be very useful, because you do not have to be afraid of upgrading and potentially introducing new issues to your project. You can rest assured that the previous versions will remain in the Releases list in case you ever need to downgrade (which isn't possible using the asset store)

Note also that after you add the release as a package, you will also have to add it to your project, to actually have it appear in Unity.

Also note that since this list is generated from your asset store cache, in order to have new asset store items listed here you will have to purchase them through the asset store and then download them. After download completes you can then immediately cancel the import popup. After that, you can hit the refresh button underneath the Releases list to have your newly purchases asset ready for use.

For information on defining your own "release source", for use in addition to the asset store cache (for example by using a local folder on your hard drive or a remote file server) see this section

Using Multiple Package Folders

Up until now we've assumed that there is one definitive folder for all the packages that are available for inclusion in your unity projects. However, this is configurable, so if you want, you can define multiple locations to pull packages from. This can be especially useful if you want to define a project-specific package and you do not want to add clutter up the shared UnityPackages directory.

To see this in action, download the sample project and then open up the All-Movers project (by either opening up the UnityProjects\AllMovers\AllMovers-Windows directory within unity or running prj --project AllMovers --openUnity / prj -p am -ou from the command line)

Then open up the Package Manager through the menu item Projeny -> Package Manager. In the Packages panel, you should see a dropdown that allows you to select where to get the package list from as shown in this screenshot:

Package Manager

Select the dropdown and choose the option for [ProjectRoot]\Packages. By default this will display an empty list of packages. Right click in the list and choose New Package, then enter the name Test. You should then see the following:

Package Manager

Now, right click again in the list and choose Show Root Folder In Explorer. This will open up the directory at UnityProjects/AllMovers/Packages.

The list of package folders locations that appears in this drop down is configured on a per-project basis and can be found in the ProjenyProject.yaml files. The sample project is set up with two locations. One for the common UnityPackages folder and one directly underneath the root folder for each project.

To see where this is set, open up the file ProjenyProject.yaml at UnityProjects/ProjenyProject.yaml. The settings in this file will automatically be applied to all projects, in addition to the settings that are inside UnityProjects/AllMovers/ProjenyProject.yaml. This file should appear as follows:

    - '[SharedUnityPackagesDir]'
    - '[ProjectRoot]/Packages'

This list should contain the same values as what you see in the dropdown within the Package Manager GUI.

Sharing Project Settings

In addition to sharing packages between unity projects, you can also share project settings. Project settings include all the values that you see when you open up any menu item inside Edit -> Project Settings within Unity. This can be useful if you want to create a duplicate of a project with a slightly different set of packages.

To see this in action, download the sample project and then open up the All-Movers project (by either opening up the UnityProjects\AllMovers\AllMovers-Windows directory within unity or running prj --project AllMovers --openUnity / prj -p am -ou from the command line)

Then, select the menu item Projeny -> Change Project -> New. This should display the following popup:

Package Manager

Make sure to check the "Share Project Settings" checkbox which is unchecked by default. Give it the name Test.

After clicking Submit, your new project should be initialized and then opened in Unity. Now, if you change a project settings from the Edit -> Project Settings menu it will apply to both the AllMovers and your newly created Test project.

Like all project settings, this is configured within the ProjenyProject.yaml file. If you open this up by either clicking the Edit button within the Package Manager or simply opening up UnityProjects/Test/ProjenyProject.yaml you should see the following:

ProjectSettingsPath: '[ProjectRoot]/../AllMovers/ProjectSettings'

Note that since we haven't added any packages yet to our new project, there isn't a line for AssetsFolder and PluginsFolder yet.

"Gotchas" With Directory Links

Frequently Asked Questions

Unity's Standard Assets actually makes for a good example of using Projeny, since all the standard asset packages depend on each other in some ways.

For Unity version 5.3.4, we have extracted all the Standard Assets into their own Projeny packages, and also declared the proper dependencies for each using ProjenyPackage.yaml files. This can be downloaded as from the releases page. To use, you can extract into your UnityPackages folder and drag whichever Standard Assets package you need into your project via the projeny gui

Projeny.yaml reference

The Projeny.yaml file contains general settings for Projeny, including the location of tools such as Unity, where to place the log output, etc.

Note that like all configuration files in Projeny, Projeny.yaml is defined using the YAML standard.

When running Projeny from the command line using the prj command, it will load all configuration files from the following locations

Typically, you would have configuration files in both of these locations. The configuration file in your home directory is particularly useful for defining the paths to the tools that Projeny sometimes runs, such as Visual Studio and Unity.

If you follow the instructions to create a new Projeny-based set of projects, you will find that a default Projeny.yaml file is created with the following contents:

    UnityProjectsDir: '[ConfigDir]/UnityProjects'
    LogPath: '[ConfigDir]/PrjLog.txt'

This is the absolute minimum config that is required for Projeny. (Actually, you don't strictly need LogPath defined, but it is useful if you want detailed error information. Every time you run the prj command in the directory with this Projeny.yaml, the PrjLog.txt file will be updated with more detailed information)

Here is the full list of configuration settings. Note that you don't need to include most of these, since they have reasonable defaults, but they are listed here for reference. Note: Comments can be added by prefixing your line with a # character.

# If you use the command line a lot, it can be useful to define an 
# alias for the common projects you are changing. These are taken 
# from the demo project.  Running `prj -p am` is then the same as 
# running `prj -p AllMovers`
    am: AllMovers
    cm: CubeMover
    sm: SphereMover

# The given project here will be used by the `prj` command line 
# tool whenever the `-p` option is not included
DefaultProject: AllMovers

# This is a collection of paths that are used by projeny
# You can also define your own variables here and use them in any of the config files
# Note also that you can use environment variables here the same way eg: [SOME_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE]
    # This setting is required
    # This will determine where projeny looks for the unity projects
    UnityProjectsDir: '[ConfigDir]/UnityProjects'

    # This setting is necessary for many different Projeny operations 
    # so that Projeny knows how to run Unity. By default it will 
    # guess the following path
    UnityExePath: 'C:/Program Files/Unity/Editor/Unity.exe'

    # This value is used when using the command line options `-b` or 
    # `bf` or `bcs` (see command line reference section for details on these)
    # It is used to build visual studio solution files
    # By default it will assume the following path unless you specify it yourself
    MsBuildExePath: 'C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/msbuild.exe'

    # This value is required when UseDevenv setting (see below) is set to true
    VisualStudioCommandLinePath: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/IDE/'

    # This value is required for the button "Open Solution" in package manager,
    # or the equivalent command line option `prj -ocs`
    VisualStudioIdePath: 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe'

    # This value will determine where the `prj` command outputs 
    # detailed logging information
    LogPath: '[ConfigDir]/PrjLog.txt'

    # If you're using a console that supports multiple colors, set 
    # this to true so that warnings are yellow, errors are red, etc.
    UseColors: False

# Custom release sources can also be specified in `Projeny.yaml` if 
# you want the Releases list to contain more than just items from the asset store cache
    - LocalFolder:
        Path: 'C:/MyUnityPackages'

    # Note that you can specify multiple local folders
    - LocalFolder:
        Path: 'G:/NetworkSharedUnityPackages'

    # Note that you can specify multiple file servers
    - FileServer:
        ManifestUrl: 'http://localhost:8092/ProjenyReleaseManifest.txt'

    # This value is used when using the command line options `-b` or `bf` 
    # or `bcs` (see command line reference section for details on these)
    # By default, Projeny will use MsBuild (using the MsBuildExePath 
    # defined above) to build the visual studio solution. However, some 
    # people may prefer to use devenv.exe instead, since unlike msbuild 
    # this is guaranteed to produce identical behaviour to building using 
    # the Visual Studio GUI.  So if you want to use devenv.exe instead, 
    # set this to true and then make sure to specify the path variable
    # 'VisualStudioCommandLinePath' as well in the PathVars section above
    UseDevenv: False

    # This will be used in the "DefaultNamespace" field for generated visual studio projects
    RootNamespace: MyCompanyName

    # Include this option to default new projects to use 64 bit windows for their builds rather 
    # than 32 bit
    Win64IsDefault: True

ProjenyProject.yaml reference

In most cases you can edit the ProjenyProject.yaml file using the Package Manager from within Unity. However, the Package Manager GUI does not include everything (for example, solution folders cannot be configured from the package manager)

Note that like all configuration files in Projeny, ProjenyProject.yaml is defined using the YAML standard.

Note that you can define multiple ProjenyProject.yaml files, with the result that they will all be applied to the project. There are 4 places that Projeny looks for this file. For example, given a project named Foo, these locations are as follows:

  1. UnityProjects/Foo/ProjenyProject.yaml
  2. UnityProjects/Foo/ProjenyProjectCustom.yaml
  3. UnityProjects/ProjenyProject.yaml
  4. UnityProjects/ProjenyProjectCustom.yaml

These all follow the same format. (3) and (4) are automatically used by all projects, so it's a good place to put in packages that you want to include everywhere.

(2) and (4) should be ignored by source control and are a convenient place to add user-specific packages. For example, different developers on the same project might have different preferences for certain unity plugins, such as a custom unity console, a popup window to help switch between scenes, etc. So the ProjenyProjectCustom.yaml files can be used for this purpose, to add packages on an individual basis.

The format of ProjenyProject.yaml is as follows:

    - {PackageName}
    - {PackageName}

    - {PackageName}
    - {PackageName}
    - {PackageName}

    - {PackageName}
    - /{PackageNamePattern}
    - /{PackageNamePattern}
    - {PackageName}

    {FolderName}: /{PackageNamePattern}
    {FolderName}: /{PackageNamePattern}

    - {DirectoryPath}
    - {DirectoryPath}

    - Windows
    - WebPlayer
    - Android
    - WebGL
    - OSX
    - Linux
    - iOS
    - UWP


Note the following:

ProjenyPackage.yaml reference

Note that like all configuration files in Projeny, ProjenyPackage.yaml is defined using the YAML standard. Unlike project settings, there is no GUI for package settings so you have to hand-edit the ProjenyPackage.yaml files.

In most cases your ProjenyPackage.yaml will simply list the other packages that this package depends on. It will look like this:

    - CubeMover
    - SphereMover

This is taken from the demo project (at UnityPackages/AllMovers/ProjenyPackage.yaml).

Note that this file is optional. When not added to your package, your package will just be assumed to have zero dependencies.

There are a number of other options here for less common cases. The full format of the ProjenyPackage.yaml is as follows:

    - {PackageName}
    - {PackageName}
    - {PackageName}

    - {PackageName}
    - {PackageName}

FolderType: {FolderType}

    - {PlatformName}
    - {PlatformName}
    - {PlatformName}

ForcePluginsDirectory: {True/False}
ForceAssetsDirectory: {True/False}


Custom Release Sources

A mentioned in the above section, the list of releases is usually just a list of your asset store purchases, however it supports other sources as well.

Every source is ultimately just a collection of Unity packages. This is also what Unity stores in the asset store cache, so even in that case, it is just a list of Unity packages.

For example, to add a new local folder source, open up one of your Projeny config files (Projeny.yaml) and include the following:

    - LocalFolder:
        Path: 'C:/MyLocalFolderSource'

One convenient place that you might want to put this is in the system wide Projeny config, which can be found in your user home directory at C:/Users/[Your User Name]/Projeny.yaml. This is convenient because these releases will then be available for any Unity project that you create through Projeny on your computer.

Now, if you copy and paste .unitypackage files into this folder, and click the Refresh button in the Package Manager (accessed within Unity through the menu at Projeny -> Package Manager) then these .unitypackage files will be displayed in the Releases list.

Note that you can add multiple local folder sources using different paths, including those on a network share.

Note also that you can specify the version for your custom unitypackage file by using the following naming convention: MyCustomPackage@1.2.unitypackage. In this case, it will load it as version "1.2". This naming convention is only necessary for custom unitypackage files that you create yourself. Any unitypackage files that you download through the asset store will have this version information embedded into it.

Sharing a release source over a network can be very useful when working in an office environment that has its own LAN. Your organization can build up a big collection of "releases" that anyone in the organization can have access to.

If you don't want to use a network share for this, you can also define a FileServer release source, which is declared using a URL. You can then run a static web site that can serve out the Unity packages to anyone on the network.

First, you have to host a static web site that simply contains a flat list of .unitypackage files. Then you need to run PrjUpdateReleaseManifest [directory] with the path to the directory you want to scan (or simply . for current directory). This will result in a file being created in this same directory called ProjenyReleaseManifest.txt. The PrjUpdateReleaseManifest also includes a command line option to 'watch' the directory indefinitely, so you can just upload files there and the manifest will automatically be updated.

After setting up your file server you can declare it as a release source in one of your Projeny.yaml as follows:

    - FileServer:
        ManifestUrl: 'http://mysharedserver/ProjenyReleaseManifest.txt'

Command Line Reference

Almost all operations in Projeny can be executed within Unity using the Projeny menu or the Package Manager. However, not all (for eg: building the Visual Studio solution). It can also be useful to be able to drive it from the command line for use with continous integration servers or whatever build pipeline you are using at your organization.

What follows is the full list of command line parameters that you can pass to the Prj command. Note that you can pass any combination of these and Prj will execute them in a reasonable order.


A. "Gotchas" with using external assemblies:

Release Notes

0.3 (February, 2016)

0.2 (January, 2015)

0.1 (December, 2015)


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Modest Tree Media

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.