modivinit / Campusly

Rented Website
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MEAN Stack Relational Mean Stack Build Status

The main idea for this repository is shamelessly stolen from It says:

MEAN is a boilerplate that provides a nice starting point for [MySQL], Express, Node.js, and AngularJS based applications. It is designed to give you quick and organized way to start developing of MEAN based web apps with useful modules like sequelize and passport pre-bundled and configured. We mainly try to take care of the connection points between existing popular frameworks and solve common integration problems.

The MongoDB ORM, Mongoose, has been replaced with Sequelize. Switching from mongoose to sequelize allows developers easy access to MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite or PostgreSQL databases by mapping database entries to objects and vice versa.

Addy Osmani's Blog explains SQL databases, being strongly typed in nature are great at enforcing a level of consistency, ensuring many kinds of bad data simply don’t get recorded. By using SQL databases MEAN Stack Relational favors reliability over the performance gains of NoSQL databases.

Getting Started

Alright now the fun begins. First clone or download the repo to your computer.

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Go into the repository cd mean-stack-relational/.
  3. Install dependencies with NPM npm install.
  4. Plug in your private and public keys for working with FB and Twitter into /config/env/development.js.
  5. Wire up the database connection found in /config/env/development.js.
  6. Initialize Grunt task runner grunt.
  7. Make something awesome!

Thats all! Now go and open up your browser at http://localhost:3000, and tweet @jpotts18 to say thanks!


Tool Prerequisites

NPM Modules Used

Generating sequelize models

Convert RentedSchema_v2.sql (MySQL) schema and apply it to postgresql DB using DBConvert for MySQL & PostgreSQL trial or one of the other methods listed in Converting from other Databases to PostgreSQL. Make sure that column names are camelCase, like they were in mySQL.

NOTE: when converting to PostgreSQL it might be necessarry to shorten some index names due to PostreSql index name length limitation. In our case i did following changes:

apartment_complex_floor_plan_PRIMARY_apartment_complex_floor_plan apartment_complex_transportation_PRIMARY_apartment_complex_transportation apartment_complex_transportation_PRIMARY_apartment_complex_transportation

renamed to:

apartment_complex_floor_plan_PRIMARY apartment_complex_transportation_PRIMARY apartment_complex_transportation_PRIMARY

Once we have schema applied to PG, Use sequelize-pg-generator to connect to PG database and generate javascript models (use config file and make sure to set useSchemaName to false while generating models). All models will be generated correctly. CLI command: spgen -c config file is located at server/models/config/config.js

Note: it's possible that some models will have to be extended manually. So far it's just rentedUser model which was manually added instance methods, save hooks etc (for salt, crypting etc..)

Note: when instatiating Sequelize, sequelize-pg-generator uses ‘postgre’ as default sql dialect.. If other DB is used instead of PG (i.e. MySQL) it have to be stated when instatiating Sequelize.

Generation models on MAC (lowercase issue still not solved)

Use RazorSQL to convert MySql Rented database schema ( all tables ) into Postgres schema ... note that I haven't found a way to do this with views yet Create a Postgres database Rented ( delete your old one first if applicable ) run the RentedSchemaPG_v.sql in sql window connected to Postgres Rented cd Rented/server directory spgen -d Rented -u -s Rented -o models Note: when instatiating Sequelize, sequelize-pg-generator uses ‘postgre’ as default sql dialect.. If other DB is used instead of PG (i.e. MySQL) it have to be stated when instatiating Sequelize.

Updating models

  1. Create temporary models spgen -d rented -u postgres -o temp_models
  2. Cherry pick changes for now

Data model nuanaces

Applying PG schema to existing ( empty ) PG database Rented

psql -d Rented -f RentedSchemaPG_v5.sql


Inserting PG SQL schema on your local host

  1. Open PG Admin
  2. Delete existing local database 'rented'
  3. Create a new database 'rented' (case sensitive)
  4. Navigate to PG bin directory Ex. /Library/PostgreSQL/9.4/bin/
  5. Apply script to your local Postgres DB (using psql tool witch is located inside bin folder of pg installation) Ex. psql -U postgres rented < /Users/vinitmodi/Rented/database_scripts/RentedSchemaPG_v6.sql
  6. Tables will be inserted into the local 'rented' database


  1. npm install as 2 new modules are added (pg, pg-hstore)
  2. check that configuration inside server\config\environment/development.js matches you local pg configuration (db name, user, password) Default is user: postgres and password: root


Inserting university tables on to your local host

  1. Open PG Admin
  2. Select university table Located under rented/Schemas/public/tables/university
  3. Click on puzzle box - new terminal window will open up
  4. Copy sql code located at /database_scripts/universityData.sql
  5. Paste in terminal window
  6. Data is loaded in the tables
  7. To view table Click on Rows/View Data/View Top 100 Rows

======= Any ENUM model needs to have the double quotes removed Generated by the model script: type: Seq.ENUM('"no preference"', '"male only"', '"female only"') Required: type: Seq.ENUM('no preference', 'male only', 'female only')

===== To Deploy site:

  1. grunt build --force Ignore svg warnings
  2. cd /dist
  3. git init
  4. git checkout -b MVPMEAN
  5. git remote add AWS 5 (alt). git remote add AWS ec2Micro:/home/ubuntu/repo_rented_do_not_delete
  6. git status then classic procedure
  7. git add, git commit
  8. git push AWS HEAD:MVPMEAN --force

==== Installing Amazon AWS CLI

Added for EC2

export EC2_HOME=/usr/local/ec2/ec2-api-tools- export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin export AWS_ACCESS_KEY= export AWS_SECRET_KEY= export EC2_URL=


Process for creating a new database:

  1. Run RentedSchemaPGvXX.sql
  2. Run CreatePostGIS.sql
  3. Run AlterPostGisTableAndAddTrigger.sql

Required to be done separately


Process for restarting server after server changes

ps ax | grep node find all node proccess running sudo kill forever start server/app.js export NODE_ENV='production' printenv

NODE_PATH=/usr/lib/nodejs:/usr/lib/node_modules:/usr/share/javascript export NODE_PATH

NODE_ENV=production export NODE_ENV

sudo netstat -lnptu

====AWS IP Ranges===

====SSH into Live DB === psql --host --port 5432 --username ivan --dbname rented