modmore / Commerce_DigitalProduct

Digital product module for Modmore's Commerce.
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Consolidate custom product and custom order shipment into order shipment #1

Closed Mark-H closed 5 years ago

Mark-H commented 6 years ago

Right now some fields are added to the product form through the custom product (e.g. file/resource), while others (e.g. max downloads) are added through the order shipment.

Ideally, I think all of that should be put into the order shipment. Simpler, and that's the right extension point for anything delivery-related. Custom products should mostly be used when product information has to be collected from a custom source, or generated on-demand.

If you came across limitations with the order shipment that led you to put some stuff into the product, perhaps there's something I can do about that in Commerce?

tonyklapatch commented 6 years ago

I was thinking more that the file/download information belonged to the product, but I can see why it should be on the shipment (since it gets added to its own custom table anyways). I'll move it to the shipment for the next release.

tonyklapatch commented 5 years ago

Now uses shipment fields in v1.1.0.