modmore / Commerce_DigitalProduct

Digital product module for Modmore's Commerce.
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Digital Products for Commerce

Digital products for commerce allows you to create products that link to resources, files, and user groups upon order completion. It allows you to set expirations on downloading a file and how many times the user can download a file.

This is a more advanced version of the Commerce_ResourceStore, which stored basic resource information in the user's TV. This module can be used as a enhanced replacement.

This extension was originally built and maintained by Tony Klapatch, providing a wide range of functionality for selling digital products in Commerce, as part of a third-party extension not covered by modmore's support.

In April 2021 modmore adopted the project in an effort to make it compatible with recent Commerce releases, and to include it in modmore's standard support as an official extension. By mid-end April we'll release v2.0 that makes it official and adds that compatibility with Commerce v1.1+.

Tony, thank you for your hard work and innovation!


Download the transport package from the or modmore package provider and install it on your site. If you haven't created a custom Commerce theme, do so now. Learn how to in the documentation.

Since the digital resources/files will typically appear on the thank you page, copy the thank-you.twig file from default/frontend/checkout/thank-you.twig to yourTheme/frontend/checkout/thank-you.twig.

In this twig file you'll have the digitalProducts variable accessible when there are digital products on the order. There are three accessible sub-arrays you can access: resources, files, and all (containing resources and files).

Within files and resources, you have access to all columns within DigitalproductFile (id, class_key, properties, digitalproduct_id, secret, name, resource, file, download_count, download_limit, and download_expiry (unix time)). There is also access to the product instance.

Here is a very basic example which loops through resources and files seperately, only showing headings if there are results:

Note: point the commerce_digitalproduct.download_resource system setting to the ID of the resource you place the digitalproduct.get_file snippet on, described below.

<div class="c-digital-products">
    {% for digitalProduct in digitalProducts %}
        {% if digitalProduct.resources|length > 0 %}
            <h4>{{ }} {{ lex('commerce_digitalproduct.pages') }}</h4>
            {% for resource in digitalProduct.resources %}
                <p><a href="[[~[[++commerce_digitalproduct.download_resource]]? &scheme=`full` &secret=`{{ resource.secret }}`]]">{{ }}</a></p>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if digitalProduct.files|length > 0 %}
            <h4>{{ }} {{ lex('commerce_digitalproduct.files') }}</h4>
            {% for file in digitalProduct.files %}
                <p><a href="[[~[[++commerce_digitalproduct.download_resource]]? &scheme=`full` &secret=`{{ file.secret }}`]]">{{ }}</a></p>
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

The same code can also be used in your email templates (e.g. emails/order-received.twig) to provide the download links from there.

If you want to use resources, configure the parents to look under for resources in the system setting commerce_digitalproduct.resource_parents.

Finally, enable the module in Commerce -> Configuration -> Modules. You can now make a delivery type with the shipment type of digital shipment and create digital products!


digitalproduct.get_file Snippet

This snippet generates the URL to download the file after purchase.

Supported properties:

Planned Features