moemyself3 / lightcurator

lightcurator: for creating and curating a lightcurve database (in heavy development)
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Add Circles to label stars #22

Open moemyself3 opened 5 years ago

moemyself3 commented 5 years ago

Simple use of Circleapperature can be implemented

See example I wrote for manual inspection in jupyter-notebook:

from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
from photutils import CircularAperture

with deepskypath+'.new') as hdu:
    ccd = hdu[0].data
vmin, vmax =

x1, y1 = master_cat[83]['xcentroid'], master_cat[83]['ycentroid']
x2 = []
y2 = []
for star in checkstar:

positions1 = [(x1,y1)]
positions2 = (x2,y2)
apertures = CircularAperture(positions1, r=40.)
apertures2 = CircularAperture(positions2, r=20.)
position = zip(x2, y2)
interval = ZScaleInterval()
vmin, vmax = interval.get_limits(ccd)
lc.plt.imshow(ccd, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap='gray')
apertures.plot(color='limegreen', lw=1, alpha=1)
apertures2.plot(color='limegreen', lw=1, alpha=1)
lc.plt.text(x1,y1-50,'HP Aur', color='limegreen', fontsize=12)
for x, y in position:
    lc.plt.text(x,y-30,'check', color='limegreen',fontsize=8)
lc.plt.axis('off') # this rows the rectangular frame
lc.plt.savefig('deepsky_hpaur_170413.png', dpi = 300, transparent=True)