moemyself3 / lightcurator

lightcurator: for creating and curating a lightcurve database (in heavy development)
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LightCurve is a module that creates light curves of a similar field of stars. This is useful in time domain astronomy in search of transient events and studies of variable stars, i.e. eclipsing binaries.

Table of Contents



from lightcurator import lightcurve as lc

object_table = lc.makelist('')

# parallelized alignment
object_table = lc.paralign(object_table)

# or serial alignment
object_table = lc.align(object_table)

# All-in-one
object_table = lc.do_lightcurve(object_table)

The process follows:

  1. Take image list
  2. Align images
  3. Create a deepsky image
  4. Plate solve deepsky using astrometery
  5. Sorce extraction from deepsky image
  6. Create reference image with all candidate sources circled
  7. Match sources between aligned images
  8. Cross match sources from aligned images with sources from deepsky image
  9. Create Timeseries plot of different sources
  10. Cross match sources with catalogs like VSX and GCVS

