moepinet / moeptikz

TikZ library for network shapes such as routers, switches, etc.
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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! Package pgfbase Error: Unsupported color model `'. Sorry. #2

Closed diekmann closed 8 years ago

diekmann commented 9 years ago

Here is a minimal example that fails to build on my machine.




    \node[router] (inet) at (0,0) {};
    \node at (inet) {Internet};
    \node[router] (r1) at (.5,0) {};
    \node[router,minimum size=5mm] (r2) at (3,0) {};
    \node[switch, minimum size=10mm] (s1) at (5,0) {};

    \foreach \x in {1,2,3} {
            (c\x) at ($(s1)+(+2.8,2.6-1.3*\x)$) {};
        \draw[black,line width=1pt] (c\x) -- (s1);

    \draw[black,line width=1pt] (s1) -- (r1);



The error is

! Package pgfbase Error: Unsupported color model `'. Sorry.

See the pgfbase package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.29 \end{frame}

With an older version of moeptikz, which required tumcolor, it worked fine.

diekmann commented 9 years ago

When I add the following to the preamble


and comment all three

\tikzset{get stroke color}

and all three

\tikzset{replace fill by stroke color/.expand once=\pgfsavedstrokecolor}

it compiles. The result is a grey-scale image.

moepinet commented 8 years ago

Outdated version of texlive.