moepinet / moeptikz

TikZ library for network shapes such as routers, switches, etc.
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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moepTikZ - a library for typesetting computer networks


The moepTikZ package provides shapes for typesetting computer networks, e.g. shapes for hubs, switches, routers, and more. It is in use since 2012 for the lecture materials of our basic course in computer networks \cite{} due to shortcomings of some commercial products and (at that time) the lack of meaningful alternatives. For the first official release many shapes were redesigned and a couple of new features added, e.g. complete anchor support and custom colors.

How to compile

At the moment there is no meaningful Makefile accompanying this package. For the time being, just run

| pdflatex documentation.tex

twice in the document's root directory. Be sure to have an up-to-date TeX distribution. The package is tested with texlive-full on Linux and MacTeX on OSX, but it should not make any problems using MiKTeX on Windows.


At this time meopTikZ is distributed a single .sty file that depends on a couple of common LaTeX packages. Just copy it to the root of your document and include it using \usepackage{moeptikz}. An upload to CTAN is planned as soon as the codebase appears to be "nice".

Feature requests and bug reports

Both is highly welcome. Please report anything to


moepTikZ is published under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL). A copy is of the license text is distributed with the moepTikZ package.