mogoreanu / 8x16

8x16 game based on STC15F2K60S2 an 8051 clone
MIT License
10 stars 3 forks source link

Got ahold of the full source code of one of these systems. #1

Open Kalixtan opened 2 years ago

Kalixtan commented 2 years ago

Managed to track down someone from the factory and they where more than happy to release the source code to this kit, has all source code schematics and everything. hope this helps.


Got this archive about an hour or two ago and when looking up more info about files inside the .rar file your git came up. thought this might help you a lot.

mogoreanu commented 2 years ago

Requested access to the archive, would be interesting to see how they've implemented the games.

Would it be possible to extract the archive and create a github repository out of the code? This way we could contribute to it.

There are several glitches that we've discovered that I wanted to address. For example, in the snake game it was possible to press 3 buttons in a quick sequence and hit yourself without any visible change in what is being displayed.

Kalixtan commented 2 years ago

Oh god sorry, didnt see your message until just now, im not the creator but think its okay. also unsure what you mean about giveing you access, i set the link to be public.

(also if you fix bugs maybe i could contact the developer and it would be in the kits :P )

Link again:

mogoreanu commented 2 years ago

I was able to download the archive, thank you. I will look into the code to see how the games are implemented. If i manage to build the firmware i will create a GitHub repository with instructions. It has been awhile since I touched the game, but i think it has a lot of potential to learn microcontrollers.

mak0t0san commented 4 months ago

Thank you! I have one of these kits and managed to destroy the chip by putting the LED matrix in incorrectly. I ordered some replacement chips and needed to find the software for it. Thanks for sharing!