8x16 game based on STC15F2K60S2 - an Intel 8051 clone by STC.
The purpose of this project is to:
Microcontroller details: STC15F2K60S2 28I-PDIP40 1845HVV065.XD
Microcontroller decoding: STC The program Flash in user program area can not be used as EEPROM., but there are special EEPROM 15 STC 1T 8051 MCU, Speed is 8~12 times faster than the traditional 8051 in the same working frequency F : Operating Voltage 5.5V~4.2V 2K SRAM: 2K = 2048 E\WHV 60 Program space, e.g. 60:60KB S2? 2 UARTs (can be used simultaneously)' SPI' Internal EEPROM' A/D Converter(PWM also can be used as DAC)' CCP/PWM/PCA
28 : Up to 28MHz I : Industrial, -40c-85c PDIP 40
The MCU, according to the spec has the following memory:
USB Serial converters tested:
Unfortunatelly compilers that work with Intel 8051 are scarce and the official STC documentation recommends Keil uVision. The development environment will have to be
Board layout
R4+ - P00 P45 - R1+ R6+ - P01 P27 - R3+ R7+ - P02 P26 - C1- R5+ - P03 P25 - D1- R2+ - P04 P24 - C0- R8+ - P05 P23 - D0- R11+ - P06 P22 - C5- R9+ - P07 P21 - C3-
P16 P35 - C6- C7- - P17 P34 - R15+ - P54 P33 - Right 5v - VCC P32 - Up Spkr - P55 P31 - Rst 0v - GND P30 - OK
Rx - Row number x in the dot matrix display, X in [0, 15]. Rows are positive Cy - Column number y in the dot matrix display, Y in [0, 7]. Clumns are negative Dz - Digit number z, z in [0, 2]. Digit "rows" are negative, thank you.
Each digit has the following layout corresponding to the dot matrix columns: Col 6 Col 5 Col 0 Col 4 Col 2 Col 3 Col 1
Stripped-down datasheet http://www.stcmicro.com/datasheet/STC15F2K32S2_Features.pdf
Full datasheet http://www.stcmicro.com/datasheet/STC15F2K60S2-en.pdf https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf-file/1316710/STC/STC15F2K60S2/1
Software downloads http://www.stcmicro.com/rjxz.html