mogue / MediaPipe-LiveLink-Python

Use MediaPipe video capture and convert and send to LiveLink for VTubeing.
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Mogue Motion Capture

General mocap solutions in python. Designed to work out-of-the-box with MikoVerse but configurable for other virtual avatar applications.


Executable release available here: Releases


Make sure you have Python 3 installed and available in the command line.

Open a command prompt navigate to the MediaPipe-LiveLink-Python directory and type:

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip will install dependancies (opencv-python, mediapipe, scipy, numpy, ttkbootstrap, pygrabber)

Or install the dependicies by yourself.

Can be done in one line:

pip install mediapipe opencv-python numpy scipy ttkbootstrap pygrabber


After installing dependencies type:



Press ESC key with the preview window selected to exit.

The first time the application is run it will create WebCam_LiveLink.ini with some settings that can be modified.

Build Executable

Executable is built using pyinstaller (pip install pyinstaller).

pyinstaller --clean build.spec

The build will be in a dist folder as a single file executable.

Thanks for testing, suggesetions, help and support

Artelis, BelosJams, CandyZeus, CodeMiko, C1nder, Digy, DreadExcalibur, Emily, EmmeVT, Evekta, Galahad333, Grogdan, justmadeninjas, kyodamaru, Melokacool, M!LD, NyaTokki, OrbitaLinx, PenguinObscurus, peter_hank, proinpretius, Roach, Ryhverse, Sir Aythusa, SleepingJackel, TM, Trip and you!