WPF Point of Sale (POS) Application
This is a simple WPF Point of Sale (POS) application developed using C# and .NET Framework. The application provides basic functionalities for managing inventory, customers, purchases, and sales.
Technologies Used
- WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation): A framework for building Windows desktop applications.
- C#: The primary programming language used in the application.
- ADO.NET: A set of .NET libraries for data access, using a disconnected, data-centric architecture.
- SQLite: A lightweight, file-based database system used for local data storage.
- FirebaseSharp: A lightweight .NET library for working with Firebase Realtime Database.
- RestSharp: A simple REST and HTTP API client for .NET.
How to Run the Application
- Make sure you have Visual Studio installed on your machine.
- Clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/mohamedelareeg/WPF-POS.git
- Open the solution file (RovaPOS.sln) in Visual Studio.
- Build the solution to restore dependencies and compile the application.
- Set the startup project to the desired application (e.g., POS, Main).
- Run the application using Visual Studio.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.