mohamedmansour / - Photo Hack Day 4 project
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Photo Hack Day 4 project, (2013)

We used new technologies to build a great experience within 24 hours of hacking. We used many APIs and Data Sciences to find the most interesting beautiful photos to show you from any location to some destination.

It renders the best possible directions and around those directions it places photo pins to showcase the beautiful interesting spots around that area. You can alter your trip so you can visit that one place.

Team Members

Technologies Used

How to Install

  1. Make sure you clone this repo
  2. Copy config.json.defaults to config_development.json and fill in your API keys
  3. Run "npm install" from the root project directory
  4. Then just run node "npm start" from the root
  5. Visit http://localhost:3000 to allow OAuth with Facebook to work, just update your hosts to point to localhost and just visit

Please submit pull requests so we can make this project more awesome :)