mohammad2928 / plate-recognition

OCR over Iranian plates
MIT License
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plate recognition for persian plates

In this project we extract plate text from persian plates.


Windows (These scripts modified for windows version 10)

python >3.6


1- src --> main scripts folder

2- src/db --> db folder

3- data --> additional data


1- Create an virtual enviorment (You can use anaconda or virtualenv) and active the enviornment.


3- pip install -r reqierments.txt

(If you are living in the IRAN, for installation maybe you need to use a VPN.)

4- Head over to and get the 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your system architecture and install it like as other programs. (Or you can use direct path in your codes), you can use installation file in ~/data/ folder.

5- Put fas-tune-float.traineddata (in the ~/data/ folder) file in the C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata path

6- Install the SQL Server drivers for your platform on the client system.


1- pyodbc.InterfaceError: This problem occured when you do not install odbc-driver or set not true drive. You can use the following cods for define your drivers and set true driver.

msa_drivers = [x for x in pyodbc.drivers() if 'ACCESS' in x.upper()]

In the following an example of output is shown:

MS-Access Drivers : ['Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)', 'Microsoft Access Text Driver (*.txt, *.csv)']

and than change the following line in

driver = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};"


driver = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};


cd src

Work stages

Important notes

1- All logs saved in the logs folder. (logs/main.log)

2- When run, temp and plate_images and logs folder will be created.

Database usage (seperatly)

I have created a database by the name "Plate_table" with three columns (image_path, plate_text, capture_date) you can change it with the following scripts by yourself.

from db import DB
db = DB()
cursor, conn = db.connect()

List of tabls

db.list_of_tables(cursor, conn)

Create a table

query = "CREATE TABLE Plate_table(image_path varchar(70), plate_text varchar(70), capture_date date)"
db.create_table(cursor, conn, query)

Remove a table

query = 'DROP TABLE Plate_table'
db.remove_table(cursor, conn, query)

Insert to a table

query = "INSERT INTO Plate_table ([image_path], [plate_text],[capture_date]) VALUES (?,?, ?)"
values = ("val", "text plate",
db.insert(cursor, conn, query, values)

Update a table

query = "UPDATE Plate_table SET plate_text = ? WHERE capture_date = ?"
values = ("update value", datetime.datetime(2021, 6, 11, 19, 52, 37))
db.update(cursor, conn, query, values)

Read rows of a table

query = 'select * from {}'.format("Plate_table")
print(db.select_rows(cursor, conn, query))