moiSentineL / flomo

A flowmodoro CLI for productivity enthusiasts
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link
cli cli-application productivity


flomo is a TUI/CLI for using the Flowtime Technique a.k.a. Flowmodoro Technique. It is a task execution helper, or in other words, productivity booster. flomo allows you to work on tasks in a flow state, track and manage your work/break time.


flomo was started as a Hackathon (livestream) on 6 June, 2024 with @Jonak-Adipta-Kalita and @AnubhavSC. We wanted to create a small scale project which was fun to make and possibly helped others as well. Moreover, we all are productivity fanatics. This is a project heavily inspired by pomo.

And when we were 2 hours in, we realised that it was harder than we thought. We spent a lot of time debugging and refactoring. And we're still working on it.

Flow and Flowtime Technique

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was known for his work on Flow Theory. He describes "flow" as[^1]:

"A state of being in which people become so immersed in the joy of their work or activity 'that nothing else seems to matter.'"

And as developers/creators/romantics, we experience that state of "flow" often. This "flow" can vary at times, meaning that it can increase or decrease.

This can easily be shown with a graph:

However, we can exploit that to our advantage and work efficiently, by finding the right time to take a break. And that right time is when the "flow" is depleting. And this is called the Flowtime technique.

It works fairly simply: If you work for x amount of minutes, you should take a break for x/5 amount of minutes. And repeat.

This calls for extensive amount of discipline. Which means that you must have at least some amount of natural focus. If not, I encourage you to check the Pomodoro Technique out.


pip install flomodoro


git clone
cd flomo
pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -e .


Known Issues:

Getting Started

Start a flow with tag "work" and "write some code" as session name:

flomo start -t work -n "write some code"


flomo --help
    start, s       starts a flow session


Check our Kanban Board

[^1]: : Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper and Row. p. 15 ISBN 0-06-092043-2