moichim / labir
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Typescript tools for thermal imaging

Documentation and examples at

Set of JS/TS packages for work with recordings from thermal cameras:

Planned packages:

Experimental packages:


Use PNPM package manager - we rely on its workspaces functionality.

The build and release process should be done from the workspace root. Do not build and publish packages individually - it might mess up version numbering (see below).


git clone
pnpm install


Every /package/* has its own tests and devservers.


The release needs to be done from the package root. Make sure you build & release all packages at once - not individually.

We use lerna to facilitate versioning and builds.

# 1. run lint in all packages
pnpm run lint

# 2. run tests in all packages
pnpm run test

# 3. build all packages
pnpm run build

# 4. commit the entire work
git add -A && git commit -m "..."

# 5. see the packages that has changed since the last release
pnpm run changed

# 6. use lerna to increment version of packages
pnpm run version

# 7. publish the packages
pnpm publish --recursive