moiri / streamix-sia

Compatibility check of synchronous interface automata
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Compatibility check of synchronous interface automata

Requires python-igraph package: pip install python-igraph

In order to install pip run

sudo apt update
sudo apt install python-pip


Run the following commands

sudo make install

This will install the package with pip and copy to /usr/local/bin/smxsia.

Run Testcases with Unittest

python -m unittest <name of test file, starting with `test_`>


To check a system, run

usage: This script performs the folding operation on interface automata passed as graphml files
       [-h] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUTFILE] NET INFILE [INFILE ...]

positional arguments:
  NET         the dependency graph of the PNSC
  INFILE      the graph files to be folded

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f FORMAT   set the format of the input graph (default: graphml)
  -o OUTFILE  set the output path of the result (default: out.[FORMAT])