molgenis / molgenis-tools-emx-downloader

Stand alone tool to download data in EMX format from molgenis servers
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
2 stars 8 forks source link


Standalone tool to download data in EMX or RDF format from molgenis servers. Download latest releases here.

Example usages

java -jar downloader-1.2.jar -f filename.xlsx -u -a account -p password my_test_entity
java -jar downloader-1.2.jar -f -u -a account -p password -o -s 1000 my_test_entity
java -jar downloader-1.2.jar -f filename.ttl --rdf --defaultNamespace ex: -u -a account -p password -o -s 1000 my_test_entity

Available options:

Option (* = required) Description
-D, --dataOnly Write only the data for the entities to the output file.
-a, --account MOLGENIS username to login with to download the data.
-d, --debug print debug logging to console
--defaultNamespace The default namespace for newly created IRIs in RDF download. Format is prefix:namespace. Default value is mlg:
* -f, --outputFile Name of the file to write the data to.
-i, --insecureSSL Ignore SSL certicate chain errors and hostname mismatches.
--namespaces A properties file containing namespace prefixes to add to the defaults.
-o, --overwrite Overwrite the file if it exists.
-p, --password Password for the MOLGENIS user to login
--rdf Specifies that the output should be in RDF format instead of EMX. Implies that only data gets exported.
-s, --pageSize The pagesize for the REST responses, increase in case of large datasets, maximum value=10000
-t, --timeout The socket timeout in seconds, default value is 60
* -u, --url URL of the MOLGENIS instance
-v, --version Overrides the result from /api/v2/version