molindo / eslint-config-molindo

ESLint config that implements the Molindo styleguide and helps to catch errors.
MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link



  1. Find errors that are detectable with static analysis.
  2. Make reading code easier by providing consistent code style.
  3. Make writing code faster by leveraging auto fix wherever possible.


  1. yarn add eslint eslint-config-molindo --dev
  2. Setup your project config in .eslintrc.js:
module.exports = {
  // Add configs based on your needs
  extends: [
    'molindo/typescript', // Or `molindo/javascript`

    'molindo/react', // Optional
    'molindo/css-modules', // Optional
    'molindo/tailwind', // Optional
    'molindo/jest', // Optional
    'molindo/cypress' // Optional
  1. If you use TypeScript, add "extends": "eslint-config-molindo/tsconfig.json" to your tsconfig.json.
  2. Happy linting!

Further configuration


Set the env in .eslintrc as necessary so ESLint doesn't report missing globals.


  "browser": true,
  "node": true,
  "es6": true,
  "jest": true

Editor integration

It's strongly recommended to use an eslint integration for your editor of choice (e. g. dbaeumer.vscode-eslint for VSCode so you see warnings and errors while writing code. Also the setting to auto fix errors on save should be turned on, so purely stylistic errors such as the ones reported by prettier are fixed automatically.

If your linter plugin checks your code as you type (before you save) it can be helpful to silence stylistic errors to reduce noise and let the formatting happen on save.
