mollymccarthy03 / indie-online-planner

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Peer Review! #3

Open dmueller3 opened 4 days ago

dmueller3 commented 4 days ago

Design/Code Review 1

Project: Online Planner

Developer: Molly McCarthy

Reviewer: Derek Mueller

Item Considerations Comments/Suggestions
Reviewer comments and suggestions go here. Each item should have at least one "kudos" and two suggestions for improvement
Problem Statement 1. Accurately describes project purpose
2. Is professional and free of typos, slang, etc.
3. Fully explains the problem and the solution
4. Is understandable by the average person
The purpose of the project is laid out very thoughtfully, and explained descriptive enough to give the reader a good idea of what is needed. Two items of feedback: calendar is misspelled in the first paragraph, and the second paragraph could be concluded with a sentence along the lines of "Russell needs an app so he can...."
Design Documentation 1. Navigation/flow through the application is logical and easy to use.
2. The order in which values are displayed are logical and easy to understand/use
3. The order in which the form fields entered are logical and easy to understand/use
4. All data discussed/documented (problem statement, flow, db design, etc.) is represented on the screens
The wireframes are visually appealing and give a great idea of what the finished product may look like. I loved the idea of the checklist below the calendar too! Not sure if this would fit in your plan, but it may be nice to have an option to select a certain day to see previous checklists. The 'Add Assignment' option also may look nicer near the top of the page to draw the user's eye to it.
Data model/Database 1. Everything on the screens and problem statement/flow is represented in the model
2. There is at least one 1-to-many relationship.
3. The model represents good database design
Your application seems a lot better than mine for database design! I like the idea of each task having a unique id number. The data will be very well formatted. Regarding getting the weekday, the MySQL DAYNAME function may be helpful. I would also love to see what some other tables would look like!
Code 1. Proper Maven project structure is used
2. a .gitignore file for IntelliJ Java projects has been implemented
3. There is not any redundant or copy/paste code in the JSPs or classes
4. Classes are appropriately-sized (no monster classes)
Property files are used appropriately: no hard-coded values
5. Logging statements are used rather than System.out.println and printStackTrace.
6. There are appropriate unit tests/code coverage. 7. No sensitive information is visible in the repository (secrets, passwords, etc).
Project structure is formatted well, and classes are properly named. Tests looks good! Like you stated, I would like to see the files in the java folder sorted into subfolders, and more logger statements. Overall, great job so far!
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 3 days ago

@dmueller3 Thanks for your review of @mollymccarthy03's project so far. The items you highlighted above show a careful eye to the detail, and a thoughtful balance of kudos and areas for improvement/consideration. I hope you found it beneficial to view a peer's project while having the opportunity to get fresh eyes on your own.