mollymccarthy03 / indie-online-planner

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# Molly McCarthy Online Homework Planner

Problem Statement

Throughout my academic career, I have kept a planner and a notebook to document my homework assignments, when they are due and details about them. I have a specific planner I enjoy and a specific way I write my assignments. I have found that most of this is fairly time-consuming, as I spend time writing down my assignments, logging them in a calender and checking them off when they are finished. I have tried different online planners, like Notion and Google Calender, and none have worked the same as me writing down my assignments in my physical books. I want to create something that will record my assignments in my notebooks, in my online calendar.

Russell loves writing his homework assignments in his planner and notebook, but the process is getting time consuming and annoying to lug around. Russ needs an online planner that has all the perks his physical books do. This includes a calendar space to write your weekly tasks, and a report of each assignment to do during each day of the week. Each assignment is recorded with the due date next to it.

Project Technologies/Techniques

Database: MySQL 8.x

Dependency Management: Maven

CSS: Bootstrap/Custom

Logging: Log4J2

Hosting: AWS

Tech I'd like to explore: NodeJS, Bootstrap

Unit Testing: JUnit



Screen Design

User Stories

Journal and Plan

Project Plan
