molobrakos / tellsticknet

Interface to a Tellstick Net device on the local network
MIT License
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Interface with a Tellstick Net device on the local network bypassing the Telldus Live cloud service (events are still passed through the Telldus Live cloud service).

Use cases

There is no support for local access to Tellstick Net in the telldus-core or tellcore libraries. This Python implementation tries to fill the gap. Unfortunately, the Protocol::decodeData method is not exposed in the telldus-core library, so the protocol parsing is reimplemented in Python.



> ./script/discover # (or python3 -m
[('', ['TellStickNet', '<MAC>', '<CODE>', '17'])]

Listen for received packets and print parsed values

> ./script/listen 2>/dev/null # or python3 -m tellsticknet
{'model': 'temperaturehumidity', 'data': {'humidity': 31, 'temp': 18.1}, 'lastUpdated': 1459502928, 'sensorId': 104, 'protocol': 'mandolyn', 'class': 'sensor'}
{'model': 'temperaturehumidity', 'data': {'humidity': 34, 'temp': 16.7}, 'lastUpdated': 1459503006, 'sensorId': 135, 'protocol': 'fineoffset', 'class': 'sensor'}

Listen for raw packets and dump to file

> ./script/listen raw 2>/dev/null | tee packets.log
2016-04-01T11:39:15 7:RawDatah5:class6:sensor8:protocolA:fineoffset4:datai41B03B4DAAss
2016-04-01T11:39:17 7:RawDatah5:class6:sensor8:protocol8:mandolyn5:model13:temperaturehumidity4:datai13413986ss

Parse previously dumped packets

> cat packets.log | ./script/parse
{"class": "sensor", "data": {"temp": 5.9, "humidity": 77}, "model": "temperaturehumidity", "sensorId": 27, "lastUpdated": 1459503555, "protocol": "fineoffset"}
{"class": "sensor", "data": {"temp": 7.5, "humidity": 65}, "model": "temperaturehumidity", "sensorId": 11, "lastUpdated": 1459503557, "protocol": "mandolyn"}

Display all sensors

> cat packets.log | ./script/parse | jq ".sensorId" | sort -n | uniq

Export temperature readings as csv

> cat packets.log | ./script/parse | jq '[.sensorId, .lastUpdated, .data["temp"]] | @csv'

Archive all packets, one file per day

> ./script/dump | tee >(cronolog packets.%Y-%m-%d.log)

Start MQTT gateway, forwarding all sensor readings to a MQTT server (where Home Assistant can be a subscriber), also receive any commands from the server (e.g. from Home Assistant). Note that this requires a MQTT configuration file placed at ~/.config/mosquitto_pub

> ./script/tellsticknet mqtt -vv