大三学期的课程设计,当时还未开始学习后端语言,因为时间关系就选择了php,借了本书来看,算是马马虎虎的过了一遍,一遍下来感觉很是不习惯。数据库我就整了三个表,没有很复杂。:relieved: :relieved:
星星突然多了不少,表示非常惊喜,决定这一段时间给代码做个全面修改,让界面更加友好一些,同时也做成响应式的。哈哈,敬请期待~~ 2016/2/19
为方便交流, 我决定以后文档也开始注明英语说明
This is the course design in my junior year,I have to say the UI of this bbs is too simple and it still has some problem I know and I don't know.
Recently I'm gonna to rewrite the code to make the bbs have a responsive and more friendly UI,and of course I will try my best to find and solve the problem exiting in this bbs.
In a word, welcome to communicate with me. Thank you~:stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue: